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Expert conference

German-Indonesian Strategic Dialogue on Maritime Security

This year, the second event of the "German-Indonesian Strategy Dialogue" will take place in cooperation with the Center for Staregic and International Studies (CSIS) in Jakarta. At the meeting of German and Indonesian experts, maritime security topics will be discussed and exchanged.

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Enclosed the program:

Day 1: 5. November 2018

Session 1: Maritime Security Cooperation

- Brig. Gen. Rainer Meyer zum Felde - Former Defence Advisor Permanent Delegation of the Federal Republic of Germany to NATO and Senior Fellow of Stiftung Wissenschaft und Demokratie and Institute for Security Policy at Kiel University (ISPK).

- Basilio Araujo Diaz – Assistant Deputy Minister for Maritime Security and Resilience in the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs, Republic of Indonesia

Session 2: Continental and Archipelagic States: Experiences in Developing Sea Power

- Lt. Gen. (ret.) Dr. Klaus Olshausen - Former Military Representative in the Military Committees of NATO & EU

- Dr. Kusnanto Anggoro – Lecturer, Indonesian Defence University & Universitas Indonesia

Day2: 6. November 2018

Keynote Speach: Governor of the National Defense Institute (Lemhannas)

Panel 1: Rules-Based Approach to Maritime Security

- Prof. Dr. Stefan Talmon – Director of the Institute for International Law at the University Bonn

- Prof. Dr. Melda Kamil Ariadno - Faculty of Law, Universitas Indonesia

- Rear Admiral Dr. Kresno Buntoro – Head of Naval Legal Service, the Indonesian Navy

Panel 2: The Nexus between Technological Innovation, Cyber Security, and Maritime Security

- Col (ret.) Ralph D Thiele – Chairman of the Poltisch-Militärische Gesellschaft

- Dr. Curie Maharani Savitri – Coordinator of Defense Transformation Programme at P8 Indonesia

Panel 3: South China Sea – Challenges and Opportunities

- Sumathy Permal – Fellow and Head of Centre for Straits of Malacca, Maritime Institute of Malays

- General (R) Dr.h.c. Klaus Naumann – Former Chief of Defence of the Bundeswehr and Former Chairman of the NATO Military Committee

- Dr. Siswo Pramono – Head of Policy Development and Analysis Agency, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Indonesia

Panel 4: Responding to Maritime Security Challenges – The Need for Closer Cooperation

- Admiral (ret.) Prof. Dr. Marsetio – Former Chief of Staff of the Indonesian Navy (2012-2014), Professor of Defense, Indonesia University of Defens

- Dr. Anne-Marie Schleich – Former German Ambassador to New Zealand and seven Pacific Island States from 2012 to 2016

- Dr. Arif Satria – Rector, Bogor Agricultural University

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Foundation Office Indonesia and East Timor
Gedung Plaza Aminta (4th Floor) Jl. Let. Jend. TB Simatupang Kav. 10,
12310 Jakarta
Zur Webseite

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Auditorium CSIS



Jan Senkyr

Jan Senkyr bild

Advisor Foreign and Security Policy +49 30 26996-3936

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