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Event Reports

KAS starts cooperation with political parties in East-Timor

by Philipp Müller

Political communication for female members of CNRT and PD

In cooperation with „CAUCUS – Women in politics“, a workshop in politicalcommunication for female party members took place in Dili from January, 29th to 31st 2013. This represented the beginning of a systematic cooperation between KAS and the two center-right parties, CNRT and the PD.

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With a three-day workshop in political communication geared to women, KAS Indonesia and East Timor began its systematic cooperation with the ruling parties of East Timor namely the CNRT and PD. In his opening speech secretary general of “Partido Democratico” (PD), Mr. Mariano Sabino expressed his appreciation for the work done by KAS regarding the empowerment of female party members. This was a “first step on the common way” to promote organisational as well as strategic refinement to his party. Additionally to capacity building measures, contextual profiling of the parties should get more awareness. Similar words came from the secretary general of the „Conselho Nacional de Reconstrução de Timor“(CNRT) who was also present. In his opinion political parties would have to create promising strategies and concepts to manage the economical and social challenges of the country not only to fulfil their duty as representatives of the people but also to facilitate the acceptance of the political party system within the wider public. Indeed, through consulting and assistance of KAS Indonesia and East Timor, it seems possible to live up to these aims in the future, the two high-ranking politicians said.

Around 25 female party members were invited to gain insights into the necessary requirements of effective public relations in the political field. The greater part of the workshop consisted of interactive and practically relevant elements which the participants enjoyed a lot. With the help of a team of professional trainers, exercises concerning the role of women in politics and society in East Timor lead to the improvement of their rhetorical and presentation skills. Furthermore, some participants, for the first time ever, had the chance to see them talking and acting in front of a camera about political issues. Afterwards, constructive advice for the improvment of rhetorical and contentual skills was worked out under the assistance of the trainer team. Likewise, there were free-speech simulations in front of an audience with the aim of increasing participants’ persuasiveness.

The beginning of the systematic collaboration between KAS and the two leading center-right parties coincides with challenging times for the small country: at the onset of January 2013, the UNMIT-mission of the United Nations for the stabilization of East Timor has drawn to an end followed by many other international aid organisations leaving the country too. Whereas international engagement has successfully supported independent parliamentary and presidential elections as well as facilitated the establishment of police and security forces, there is still mounting challenges regarding the rule of law and fundamental democratic procedures and principles.

The future engagement of KAS Indonesia and East Timor will help tackle these challenges by contributing to the programmatic and organisational profiling of the parties. In turn this may well lead to increased long-term public acceptance of the representative democracy that is characterized by ideologically convincing political parties with its aim of serving peoples’ interests.

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Thomas Yoshimura

Thomas Yoshimura

Resident Representative in Korea Interim Head of the Japan office until July 2024 +82 2 793 3979
Event Reports
December 4, 2012
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