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Event Reports


Religion und Rechtsstaat im Nahen Osten

KAS-Regionalkonferenz in Amman

Gemeinsamkeiten hervorheben – Unterschiede respektieren. In diesem Tenor eröffnete SKH Prinz El Hassan bin Talal die internationale Konferenz „Religion und Rechtsstaat im Nahen Osten“ vom 27. bis 28. Februar 2008 in Amman. Zum Auftakt sprachen darüber hinaus Kamal Nasser, Jordaniens Minister für politische Entwicklung, und Frank Spengler, stellv. Hauptabteilungsleiter Internationale Zusammenarbeit der KAS. SKH Prinz Hassan hob in seiner Eröffnungsrede hervor, dass die „Kultur des Hasses“ der Extremisten auf einer Ablehnung jeder etablierten Ordnung beruhe.

Supporting the Annapolis Process

KAS/IPCRI STAT Workshop in Nazareth

From February 15 – 16, 2008 Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung and its partner IPCRI organized a meeting with the Strategic Thinking and Analysis Team (STAT) consisting of Israeli and Palestinian scholars and political advisers to form negotiations support teams which will promote the peace negotiations. The time factor is crucial: following the Annapolis meeting, an agreement is supposed to be reached within a year. Regarding the broad spectrum of complex issues and the slow pace of the negotiations since November 2007, major efforts will have to be made by the negotiators to meet that deadline.

EVP-Delegation trifft Staatspräsident und Knessetpräsidentin

KAS-Programm für Europaparlamentarier

Erstmals hat eine Delegation der Europäischen Volkspartei Israel und die Palästinensischen Autonomiegebiete besucht.

Exchange of Experience between chairpersons of Knesset and Bundestag

Program in Germany for Israeli politicians

On invitation of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung a delegation of chairpersons of Knesset committees visited Germany from January, 13-20, 2008. The delegation was headed by Menachem Ben Sasson of the Kadima Party, who chairs the Committee for Constitution, Law, and Justice. The delegation was composed of members of Kadima (David Tal) and of the coalition partners Gil (Itshac Galantee) and Israel Beteinu (Sofa Landver). Moreover, for the first time a member of the ultra-orthodox Shas party, Amnon Cohen, joined a KAS delegation. Cohen is the Deputy Speaker of the Knesset. The trip aimed at supporting dialogue between the German and the Israeli Parliament, establishing personal contacts between parliamentarians, especially between chairpersons of committees. Thus, the goal was to provide a platform for the exchange of experience concerning the proceedings in the respective Parliaments.

Reality Check for the "Future Vision" Documents

KAS/KAP Conference

One year ago Arab intellectuals and members of several NGOs in Israel met and published a number of documents under the title of "The Future Vision of Palestinian-Arabs in Israel". The documents present a completely new position of Israeli Arabs vis-à-vis the State of Israel. The phrasing aims no longer at the submissive integration into Israel’s Jewish society hoping for equal treatment in return. On the contrary, it challenges the Jewish character of the State of Israel demanding the acknowledgement of the Arab minority as an autonomous entity with a particular culture and separate laws. These documents received divided attention. First, they were discussed in public, before – intentionally or not – public interest faded away. However, KAS and its Konrad Adenauer Program for Jewish-Arab Cooperation understood this as a watershed event in the history of the Arab citizens of Israel and possibly for the character of the state. Therefore, we decided to closely follow the repercussions of these documents on a continuing basis.

A Landmark for Freedom and Justice

Symposium on the the Contribution of the Eichmann Trial to International Criminal Law

Hardly any other case tried in an Israeli court has had as far-reaching implications as the 1961 Eichmann trial. This was emphasized during a symposium organized by KAS Jerusalem and its partner, the Minerva Center for Human Rights. International experts and approximately 200 participants discussed how the trial influenced the development of both international criminal law and socio-psychological identities in Israel and the world. The symposium was held to honor Gabriel Bach, the deputy prosecutor in the Eichmann trial, who celebrated his 80th Birthday. Justice Bach has been a close partner of KAS Jerusalem for many years.

Israel, Deutschland und die EU

Vortrag von Botschafter Kindermann

Auf Einladung des Helmut-Kohl-Instituts und der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung sprach am 20. Dezember 2007 der deutsche Botschafter in Israel, Dr. Harald Kindermann, vor Studenten der Hebräischen Universität Jerusalem und weiteren Gästen über ein Thema, welches zum Kernbereich der Projektarbeit der KAS in Israel gehört: „Israel, Deutschland und die EU“.

Towards an ever closer Partnership

KAS/CSEPS/MFA Workshop on Future of EU/Israel Relations

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, the Centre for the Study of European Politics and Society at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in cooperation with the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs are holding a series of round tables which aim to come up with new ways and models for an ever-closer partnership between Israel and the EU under the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP). It includes five two-day workshops which focus on the issues of: climate change; higher education; economic relations and industrial cooperation; approximation of legislation, norms and standards and immigration.The first workshop in this series of round tables focused on the subject of economic relations and industrial cooperation. It brought together a group of experts in specific economic fields who reflected together on the next steps in strengthening the Israeli-European relations. The recommendations and policy-oriented papers of this forum will be submitted to the EU-Israel reflection group and thus will contribute to the formal process of further economic integration between the parties.

Erinnerung als Basis besonderer Beziehungen

KAS-Seminar für israelische Journalisten in Berlin

Wie geht Deutschland heute mit der Erinnerung an die Diktaturen, vor allem an die Nazi-Herrschaft und die Vernichtung der Juden, um und welche Auswirkungen ergeben sich daraus für die Politik? Dies war eine Leitfrage für das Programm der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, zu welchem sie 15 israelische Journalisten vom 2. bis 9. Dezember 2007 nach Berlin einlud.

Looking beyond the Paris Donors’ Conference

KAS/IPCRI Economic Working Group

Prior to the donors' conference in Paris a joint team of Israeli and Palestinian business experts met at the invitation of KAS Jerusalem and its partner IPCRI on Dec. 11, 2008 to analyze and discuss the "Palestinian Reform Development Plan" (PRDP) which was presented to the donor community. A central issue was the question how this positive plan is actually feasable and where to set priorities.

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About this series

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, its educational institutions, centres and foreign offices, offer several thousand events on various subjects each year. We provide up to date and exclusive reports on selected conferences, events and symposia at In addition to a summary of the contents, you can also find additional material such as pictures, speeches, videos or audio clips.

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Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.