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Changes in Attitudes towards Immigration: Evidence from the European Debt Crisis

Working paper by Michael Freedman

Recent evidence has shown that sentiments towards immigration have improved for many European Union countries from 2002 to 2007. However, some scholars posit that support for immigration into Europe is conditional on generous unemployment benefits and other welfare services. This paper examines the impact of the recent European debt crisis on native attitudes towards immigration in Europe, and present empirical evidence that European tolerance for immigration is highly sensitive to the stability of a country’s fiscal situation.

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Michael Freedman uses data from two consecutive waves of the European Social Survey (ESS), before and after the debt crisis (2008 and 2010). Anti-immigrant sentiment has risen during the debt crisis, and that the sharpest increases in anti-immigration attitudes were in countries with large national debts. Attitudes against immigrants were strongest among manufacturing workers, and these workers also experienced the largest decline in sentiment. Lastly, preliminary evidence that anti-immigrant sentiment is starting to fester among workers who had previously shown tolerance, including highly educated workers and in wealthier European countries, such as Germany. Overall, these results suggest that continued decline in the European fiscal situation could lead to an increase in backlash towards immigration, as public resources become strained.

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