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Study Group LpB Baden-Wuerttemberg

Visit by a Study Group of the Federal Agency for Civic Education Baden-Württemberg

As part of a study trip to Japan organized by the State Agency for Civic Education Baden-Württemberg, a group of young adults visited our office in Tokyo.

Seminar on the Evolution of Japan’s Foreign and Security Poli...

Japan's Expanding Strategic Partnerships

To mark the launch of “Japan in an Era of Geopolitics” (Michito Tsuruoka, ed.), we hosted a high-level seminar focusing on the evolution of Japan’s foreign and security policy.

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New Publication

Japan’s Economic Security Policy

This paper by Shigeaki Shiraishi reviews the details and background to Japan’s economic security policy.

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KAS Japan Welcomes Paul Linnarz
Project Handover

Paul Linnarz Appointed New Head of the KAS Office in Tokyo

After six years in the USA, Paul Linnarz takes over the management of the Japan country office and the Regional Economic Programme Asia (SOPAS) from Thomas Yoshimura.

Japanese Language Version Available

Age of Ferment: Developments in Asian-European Trade Relations

The papers in this volume examine the role of trade in facilitating recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Outcome Documents Available

Great Power Rivalries in the Global South

During March 22-24, 2024, the FSVC organized an international symposium in Istanbul, Turkey, funded by Carnegie Corporation of New York and KAS SOPAS.

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The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) is a political foundation in the Federal Republic of Germany. Its activities and projects support a proactive approach towards international cooperation and understanding. This website serves to give an overview of the work that the Japan office does.

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