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Expert conference

Germany’s Contributions to Missions Abroad – “Lessons Learnt” for Japan?

Conference with German and Japanese experts on security policy

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With the reinterpretation of the Japanese Constitution and changes in the respective legal basis pertaining to the extended operational scope of the JSDF, essential prerequisites have been established, paving the way for increased participation in international operations. Nevertheless, Japan still assumes an exceptional position in the world due to its restrictive legal foundation. Despite the new security legislation that was enacted by the Upper House on September 19, overseas deployment of the JSDF is still highly restricted and the Japanese population remains reluctant towards JSDF missions overseas.

Of all Western nation-states, the Federal Republic of Germany offers the most comparable restrictive framework for the participation in international military operations. Moreover, Germany has experienced similar incremental changes over time with respect to overseas operations of the Federal Armed Forces (Bundeswehr). These changes not only concerned the Bundeswehr per se, but affected other socio-political spheres as well. As a result, the Bundeswehr now actively participates in a series of international operations, which further contribute to its self-conception.

In contrast, the JSDF has less operational experience in missions abroad and is thus still at the outset of a transformation, which Germany has already completed. The German ‘path’ to overseas deployment of the Bundeswehr and its experiences could hence be of relevance for Japan and the JSDF. Based on these premises, this conference aims to closely examine the German path of development towards overseas operations by tracing back the socio-political steps and highlighting hurdles and experiences, which could potentially be applied to a Japanese context.

Date:30th September, 2015

Time:09:30 a.m. to 18:20 p.m.

Venue:Belle Salle Kudan Room 1 & 2, Sumitomo Fudosan Kudan building 3F, 1-18-10 Kudan-Kita, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 102-0073, Japan, TEL: 03-3261-5014

Languages:English – Japanese (simultaneous translation services)

Admission: Free, Registration is required

Application: Please apply with your full name, affiliation, and, whether or not you would like to attend the reception after the event by September, 18th to the KAS Japan Office via E-Mail ( Registrations will be handled on a first come, first served basis.

General Inquiries:

Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS), Japan Office





09:30 a.m.

Welcome Remarks

•Hans Carl VON WERTHERN, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Japan

09:40 a.m.

Opening Remarks

•Paul LINNARZ, Resident Representative for Japan, Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation (KAS)

•Prof. Dr. Takahiro SHINYO, President, Japanese-German Center Berlin, Vice-President, Kwansei Gakuin University, former Ambassador of Japan to Germany

10:00 a.m.

Keynote Speech

•Hideshi TOKUCHI, Vice Minister for International Affairs, Ministry of Defense

10:30 a.m.

Briefing Session 1 - Legal Basis for Operations Abroad

•Prof. Dr. Joachim KRAUSE, Director, Institute for Security Policy, Kiel University

"Legal aspects for overseas operations of the Bundeswehr as a parliamentary army: Constitutional interpretation and legal provisos for out-of-area deployment."

•Prof. Dr. Hiroshi NAKANISHI, Professor on International Politics, Graduate School of Law, Kyoto University

"Legal framework for overseas operations of the JSDF - possibilities and challenges for proactive contribution to peace."

Questions & Answers (open to floor)

•Moderator: Norihide MIYOSHI, Senior Writer, The Yomiuri Shimbun

13.15 p.m.

Briefing Session 2 - Social Aspects of Operations Abroad

•Lutz FELDT, Vice Admiral (rtd.), Director, Wise Pens International, President, Euro Defense Deutschland

"The socio-political debate on overseas deployment of the German Federal Armed Forces: The historical burden; external reassurance as a prerequisite for a security policy-oriented realignment of the Bundeswehr; ethical dilemmas and the corresponding ramifications of military operations."

•Prof. Dr. Takahiro SHINYO, President, Japanese-German Center Berlin, Vice-President, Kwansei Gakuin University, former Ambassador of Japan to Germany

"The socio-political debate in Japan on overseas deployment of the JSDF."

Questions & Answers (open to floor)

•Moderator: Norihide MIYOSHI, Senior Writer, The Yomiuri Shimbun

15:00 p.m.

Briefing Session 3 - Military Aspects of Operations Abroad

•Dr. Markus KAIM, Head of Research Division International Security, German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP)

"From Somalia through Kosovo, Congo, Horn of Africa to Afghanistan - the German Federal Armed Forces after more than 20 years of international deployments: How did the missions change over time? What have been the challenges and what are the future trends?"

•BrigGen Jürgen-Joachim VON SANDRART, Commander, Mechanized Infantry Brigade 41 - Vorpommern

"The transformation of the German Federal Armed Forces through participation in missions abroad: Strength, equipment, procurement, organization, training and education."

•Colonel Kenichi IGAWA, J5 Joint Staff Office

"The JSDF in missions abroad: previous missions, experiences, lessons learnt, future challenges."

Questions & Answers (open to floor)

•Moderator: Prof. Yoko IWAMA, Professor of International Relations, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS)

17:15 p.m.

Podium Discussion: Wrap up and Outlook

18:15 p.m.

Closing Remarks

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Tokyo, Japan


Hannes Bublitz

Associate Researcher

German-Japanese Security Policy Forum KAS Tokio

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Japanisch-Deutsches-Zentrum Berlin (JDZB)