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Kishida's Foreign and Security Policy Record and Japan's Direction Under a New Government

Hybrid Panel Discussion

Coinciding with the release the English translation of Japan in an Era of Geopolitics: A New Foreign and Security Policy Direction (Michito Tsuruoka, ed.), the KAS Japan Office is hosting a panel discussion, looking back on the foreign and security policy of outgoing Prime Minister Fumio Kishida. The event will focus on its achievements amid the evolving global security landscape.

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Open Call for Papers

Transitions and Transformations: Perspectives on the Future of Work in Asia

Interested in writing on the topic of the Future of Work in Asia? Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS) Japan's Regional Economic Programme Asia (SOPAS) is now accepting submissions for unpublished papers under the title, "Transitions and Transformations: Perspectives on the Future of Work in Asia."


The Future of Work for the Asian Youth (Malaysia)

The Future of Work for the Asian Youth Webinar Series

A webinar on the impact of technology, climate change, the global health and economic crisis, on the changing nature of work for the Malaysian youth.


Defense Ministers’ Forum Indo-Pacific: Japan and Germany's Engagement in the Region

(German-Japanese) Virtual Discussion with Minister of Defense Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer and Minister of Defense Nobuo Kishi

(This is a German-Japanese session) Strengthening defense cooperation between Germany and the countries in the Asia Pacific region has been one of the priorities on the agenda of the German Minister of Defense, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer. Japan, as a steadfast value partner to Germany, has been advocating a free and open Indo-Pacific for over a decade and regularly emphasizes the multilateral protection of a ruled-based order with partners and like-minded nations. Both, Germany’s Indo-Pacific Guidelines and Japan’s concept of a Free and Open Indo-Pacific (FOIP) recognise the importance of international law and norms to prevent instability, conflict or a disruption in the maritime domain of the Indo-Pacific region. The policy guidelines address the existential security concerns of Germany’s long-standing partners. Germany pledges to contribute diplomatic responses and offers tangible contributions to its partners in the region. What are the goals of the recently published Indo-Pacific guidelines of the German federal government and how could an implementation look like in the range of security and defense policy? Moreover, what could be possible joint responses to threats to the ruled-based order in the region imposed by third parties? What role does Japan expect Germany to play in the region?


“Together, Make Europe strong again”

One year into the new EU commission and the new challenges ahead of Europe

As Europe is struggling with the coronavirus pandemic it faces challenges on an epic scale. Not just the recovery seems far, but even the foundation and principle values of the European integration such as freedom of movement have been put into jeopardy. The pandemic poses challenge and will definitely have a big impact on key policies including future enlargement and the neighbourhood policy. Much lies on the shoulder of both the German Presidency and the new EU Commission. It has been one year into the term of the present EU Commission, which is a good occasion to look back the first year and at the same time, to look ahead. Together, make Europe strong again – says the motto of the present EU presidency under Germany. When it was adopted, probably no one had thought that this would be so timely and accurate in the middle of the multifaceted challenges posed not only by the dramatically changing security landscape around the globe, but the COVID pandemic that had disrupted not just social and economic activity but the fundamental freedoms of the European integration.


Defense Dialogue:

Discussing International Engagement in the Indo-Pacific Region

Defense Attachés from mainly NATO Member States participated the event and discussed Japan's Free and Open Indo-Pacific (FOIP) with participation by National Institute for Defense Studies (NIDS). The event was conducted on Chatham House rule.


Digitalisation: New Opportunities and Challenges for Women Owned Small and Medium Enterprises

Webinar via ZOOM

The Webinar will serve as an interim touch point, as we consolidate our full reports on the topic focusing on four Southeast Asian countries - Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Myanmar. We hope this Webinar would inform policymakers, development partners and private investors with perspectives and recommendations, and importantly, stimulate initiatives towards achieving maximum potential of digitalisation for women-led SMEs.


After the U.S. elections: what Germany and Japan should do to safeguard the international order

Virtual Panel Discussion on Zoom

Konrad Adenauer Foundation, the Japanese-German Center Berlin, the Asia Pacific Initiative, and the German Institute for International and Security Affairs would like to invite you and your colleagues to a Virtual Panel Discussion on Zoom After the U.S. elections: what Germany and Japan should do to safeguard the international order


Leading with Grit and Grace

Conference Organized by KAS Social Economic Governance in Asia and Talentnomics India

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS)’s Socio-Economic and Governance Programme Asia (SOPAS) and Talentnomics India invite you to an International Leadership Conference “Leading with Grit & Grace”.


The Future of Work for the Asian Youth (Indonesia)


Jointly organized by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung's regional program on Socio-Economic Governance in Asia (SOPAS) and the Taiwan-Asia Exchange Foundation (TAEF), the Future of Work for the Asian Youth Webinar Series aims to highlight the key issues behind the changing employment landscape of Asia’s young people.


The Future of Work for the Asian Youth (Taiwan)

Webinar Series

Jointly organized by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung's regional program on Socio-Economic Governance in Asia (SOPAS) and the Taiwan-Asia Exchange Foundation (TAEF), the Future of Work for the Asian Youth Webinar Series aims to highlight the key issues behind the changing employment landscape of Asia’s young people.

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Great Power Rivalries in the Global South

Navigating Financial and Economic Security Issues in a Multi-Polar World

During March 22-24, 2024, the Financial Services Volunteer Corps (FSVC) organized an international symposium in Istanbul, Turkey, funded by Carnegie Corporation of New York and Konrad-AdenauerStiftung (KAS). The symposium brought together 29 leading experts and practitioners in international finance and foreign policy from Africa, Asia, Europe, and North America to exchange ideas, break silos and forge connections.

NPI-KAS Seminar on Economic Security

On February 20, the Japan Office of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation and Nakasone Peace Institute (NPI) jointly organized a seminar on “Economic Security: A German Perspective”. The seminar was held following the MoU signed last December between NPI and KAS to strengthen cooperation in the field of economic security and was attended by Japanese Diet members and government and ministry officials.

Launch of Trade Sentinel: An Early Monitoring Mechanism for Trade Policy and Related Changes in South Asia

The Trade Sentinel ( will fill important gaps in monitoring trade policy actions for South Asian countries. It seeks to provide real time alerts, trends, and analysis of trade investment policy changes. This tool and this topic are more and more important for the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS), through the Regional Economic Programme Asia (SOPAS) to contribute to the discussion shaping important developments in international trade.

Fostering the Equiverse: Building Inclusive Urban Spaces for Women in South Asia

The roundtable, ‘Fostering the Equiverse: Building Inclusive Urban Spaces for Women in South Asia’, took place on 6 March 2024 at the India International Centre in New Delhi. It was co-organised by TalentNomics India and the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung’s (KAS) Regional Economic Programme Asia (SOPAS). The primary objective of this roundtable is to identify actionable issues hindering women’s equal access to education, work, and well-being in urban spaces.

ISAS-KAS Workshop: The IPEF and the Contours of Economic Security in the Indo-Pacific

On the 1st of March 2024, KAS Japan, in partnership with the Institute of South Asian Studies NUS (ISAS), hosted an engaging workshop building on the insights shared in the recent publication "The Making of the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity (IPEF)". The workshop brought together a diverse group of experts from the Indo-Pacific region and beyond for an insightful exploration of key topics on economic security in the area. This document summarises the comprehensive discussions and analyses presented during the event, providing a valuable resource for understanding recent developments and gaining nuanced insights into the topic.

Visit of a Delegation of CDU/CSU Members of the Bundestag

From February 7 to 9, the Japan Office of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation had the honor of welcoming a delegation of members of the German Bundestag, led by Dr. Johann Wadephul, Deputy Chairman of the Christian Democratic/ Social Union (CDU/CSU) parliamentary group, to Japan and provided them an opportunity to exchange views with Japanese members of parliament and experts.

MoU Signing Ceremony with Nakasone Peace Institute

On December 6, the Japan office of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Nakasone Peace Institute (NPI) confirming their cooperation in the field of economic security.

Shaping an Equiverse: Pathways to Parity

The International Leadership Conference “Shaping an Equiverse: Pathways to Parity”, jointly organised by TalentNomics India and KAS SOPAS in New Delhi, India, was held in person on November 24th, 2023.

LDP-CDU Party Dialogue

From October 30 to November 1, Dr. Carsten Linnemann, Secretary General of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), and Mr. Philipp Birkenmeier, Federal Deputy Managing Director of the CDU and Head of the Policy and Program Department, visited Japan to exchange views with Japanese parliamentarians and government officials. 

Joint Forum “Japan and EU Connecting in the Nexus of Security and Development“

On October 24 and 25, the Japan office of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS) hosted a forum on “Japan and EU Connecting in the Nexus of Security and Development” with the EU-Japan Advanced Research Network (EJARN). Experts and government and ministry officials from Japan and Europe attended the forum.