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KAS seminar for political aspirants on opportunities and challenges in the run-up to elections

KAS organized a 2 day seminar for young political aspirants which was held in Meru, Kenya on 22nd and 23rd January, 2017. The Seminar was attended by 40 participants aspiring to run for political office in the upcoming general elections.

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Following the promulgation of the Constitution of Kenya 2010, Kenya entrenched a devolved system of governance with the previous election (March 2013) being the first to activate this new form of governance. Among the major gains of this devolved system of governance is the concept of public participation through which young citizens hold their leaders to account. As a result of robust civic education through Organizations such as Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS) more young people have been showing interest in political leadership than has been the case in previous elections. In continued efforts ahead of Kenya’s general election in August 2017, The KAS organized a 2 day seminar for young political aspirants on opportunities and challenges in the run-up to elections which was held in Meru, Kenya on 22nd through 23rd January, 2017 as a way to support young Kenyan political leaders.

The Seminar was attended by 40 participants drawn from Meru, Kirinyaga, Isiolo and Laikipia counties, 1/3rd being young women who are aspiring to run for political office in various positions in the upcoming general elections slated August 2017. The seminar focused mainly on empowering the young political aspirants to engage in transformative leadership which is ideal and brings positive change to the citizens. Participants were enhanced with skills in; personal branding, effective communication, media relations, public speaking, campaign planning and nominations.

The seminar for young political aspirants on opportunities and challenges to in the run up to elections conducted by KAS contributed not only in equipping the young men and women with skills in political competency but also putting focus on the young political aspirants to become holistic politicians who are more confident and understand the basics of good leadership. The participants understood the importance of conducting professional campaigns and addressing the issues that affect the wellbeing of their voters/communities. The young men and women asked lots of questions particularly during the session on campaign financing. Self-image and presentation of the self in the public and media appealed most to the young political aspirants, majority of who are running for the first time. The climax of the activity was when it dawned on the young political aspirants that they need overwhelming support from the community for them to make it.

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Meru, Kenya


Susan Muriungi

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