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Judicial Reforms and their Relevance in Community Participatory Governance

This workshop is aimed at re-engineering and emphasizing to the participants the Judicial transformation and eventual reform since independence.

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The Kenyan judiciary is one of the arms of the government that has gone through a total transformation if not 100% reformed. Before the elections, serious overhaul of the entire judiciary and vetting of judicial officials gave the Kenyan public more hope and trust in the independence of the Judiciary.

However, after elections, part of the electorate seemed to lose that build up trust when a petition by one of the leading contenders in the presidency felt justice was not delivered as anticipated. It is the expectation of the facilitators that the participants shall be able to understand that jurisprudence is relative. It is expected that members of the public can take advantage of the new constitutional privileges’ to their advantage unlike in the previous regimes and how they can demand accountability from their elected leaders.

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Igoji, Meru


Iris Karanja

Asset Publisher

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