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Seminar for non-state actors on good governance and monitoring the use of public funds

Bungoma County

Target group for the seminar are Residents Associations and other CSOs in Bungoma County. The workshop shall strengthen the organizations and their influence in good governance and management of public funds in the devolved system at county level.

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Against the background of the new constitution entering its second year, its specific implementation is increasingly addressed by the common political debates. The new constitution establishes the framework for the restoration of the Kenyan constitutional democracy. Such a restoration shall be conducted under the principles of good governance and participatory leadership. Hence it is essential to find a civil society participating actively in implementation process. Insufficient political education and constitutional awareness can consequently be an obstacle to the Constitution’s implementation.

The Dialogue Africa Foundation in cooperation with the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung therefore addresses the need for capacity building concerning the new constitution. County based seminars on good governance and the use of public funds in county governments will be taking place in May and June 2012. Emphasis will be also on Voter Education as the first elections according to the new constitution are crucial for the political development in the country.

These seminars will facilitate a better coordination of the CSOs’ efforts for development in these areas as well as strengthen the democratic administration in the devolved new county governments. Furthermore the coordination among the CSOs and their efforts for development as well as people oriented and democratic participation in the devolved county government shall be improved.

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Gideon Ochanda

Programme Officer, deputizing the Resident Rep

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Dialogue Africa Foundation