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County workshop for non-state actors on good governance and monitoring the use of public funds

Kisumu County

Target group for the workshop are Residents Associations and other CSOs in Kisumu County. The workshop shall strengthen the organizations and their influence in good governance and management of public funds in the devolved system at county level.

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On August 4th 2010, Kenyans took part in the national referendum and voted in favour of a new constitution to replace the previous one that had been in place since independence. As the implementation of the new constitution gets to a critical stage, participation of civil society organizations in governance and monitoring the use of public funds will be crucial given the major change of the structure of government.

With this in mind Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung together with Dialogue Africa Foundation are organizing workshops in eight different counties for Residents Associations and other CSOs on good governance and monitoring the use of public funds in the new devolved system of government. The workshops will improve the coordination among the CSOs and their efforts for development as well as people oriented and democratic participation in the devolved county government.

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Gideon Ochanda

Programme Officer, deputizing the Resident Rep


Iris Karanja

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Dialogue Africa Foundation