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Event Reports

Basic Training of the Public Expenditure Tool on Social Accountability

by Edwin Adoga Ottichilo
On the 29th and 30th of May, 2019, KAS held a training at the Everest House Hotel in Kisumu on the public expenditure tool (PET) and with extension, on social accountability to help build the capacity of the social auditors on public expenditure tools. The aim of the training was to improve on the present quality of public service delivery in Siaya, Vihiga and Kisumu Counties. This training was deemed necessary since counties have been accused of poor financial management and service delivery. During the training, participants were taken through the broader concept behind social accountability and tools such as community report cards, community score cards, budget analysis, social accountability, and public expenditure tracking were shared with the participants.

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Edwin Adoga Ottichilo

Edwin Adoga Ottichilo bild

Project Coordinator +254 20 2610021/2 +254 20 2610023


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