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Event Reports


#AfricaBlogging at re:publica 2015 in Berlin

KAS Media Africa hosted a #AfricaBlogging panel at this year's re:publica in Berlin and invited bloggers from Kenya and Uganda to discuss the state of political blogging in Africa. Moreover, the upcoming launch of the #AfricaBlogging platform was announced.

KAS Media Africa holds "Teaching Business Journalism" Workshop in Johannesburg

“Teaching Business Journalism”

At a workshop following this year's Power Reporting conference in Johannesburg, participants from eight sub-Saharan countries discussed possible improvements in teaching business journalism at their universities. The one-day event tackled some of the challenges that universities face in preparing their students for this specific branch of journalism.

E-lection Bridge Workshop in Dakar, Senegal

„Das Potential des Internets in Afrika“

A political message is only as powerful as the way it is communicated. On 17 and 18 November another E-lection Bridge Workshop was held at KAS office Senegal in Dakar. The main point of discussion was digitalization and its significance for political communication and election campaigns. 22 participants, including the communication experts of 14 Senegalese parties, took part in the two-day workshop. Presenters were Nathalie Yamb, previously regional manager of West- and Central Africa for MTN, as well as the Web 2.0 expert Aboubacar Sadikh Ndiaye.

Power Reporting 2014 in Johannesburg

The African Investigative Journalism Conference

To what extend does an investigative journalist differ from a detective? Not a lot, one would think, after having participated at this year’s Power Reporting Conference. Under the slogan “Be inspired. Improve your skills. Learn something new.” the conference was held for the 10th time at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg from 3 until 5 November 2014.

#AfricaBlogging launched

#AfricaBlogging – this hashtag is the result of two days, twelve bloggers, seven countries and 30 digital devices connected to the internet, all in one small room. Between the 7th and 8th October 2014 bloggers from sub-Saharan Africa met in Nairobi for a workshop to interact, discuss and exchange ideas.

Digitalization and Mobile Innovation: Challenges and Opportunities for the Radio Landscape

Joburg Radio Days 2014

From the challenges through new technology to radio apps as future revenue possibilities for radio stations to digital broadcasting: The fifth edition of the Joburg Radio Days had a wide range of topics on the menu. The main focus of the three-day conference was on the future of radio and how the ever growing new technologies affect not only producers but also users, listeners and advertisers. With excellent speakers from all corners of Africa and Europe Joburg Radio Days sure made an impact on how radio will develop on the African continent.

Professional Political Communication and Media Effectiveness

E-lection Bridge 2014 in Durban

How does one reach out for voters? How does a political party send its political messages in a way that they are heard? How can a successful campaign strategy look like? And how does one deal with mass media professionally? Those are some of the questions which were discussed with top-flight participants from twelve African countries and Germany at this year’s E-lection Bridge Conference in Durban, South Africa. Inspiring presentations of the German experts, panel discussions and workshops were the platforms for the exchange between the communication experts of the participating countries.

Message Grid and Media Apperance

E-Lection Bridge 2014 in Durban

How do you get your political message sent? The second conference day of the E-Lection Bridge in Durban was focused on the topic of professional communication, ranging from interaction with mass media to performing in interview situations.

Clear messages, democratic structures – Political communication across Africa

E-Lection Bridge Durban 2014

Passionate discussions and a concentrated working-atmosphere on the first conference day: The E-Lection Bridge 2014 taking place in sunny Durban serves as a platform for political communicators of 12 different African countries for exchanging ideas about goals and problems of their daily work.

Beruflich mit einem Bein im Gefängnis

Gesetzliche Einschränkungen von Journalisten Hauptthema beim IPI World Congress

Journalisten, die ihre Aufgabe als Vierte Gewalt im Staat ernst nehmen, sehen sich in vielen afrikanischen Ländern einer äußerst restriktiven Mediengesetzgebung ausgeliefert. Viele der Gesetze stammen aus der Kolonialzeit, als es den Regierungen darum ging, Medien möglichst unkritisch zu halten. Nun wurde das Thema auf dem jährlichen Kongress des International Press Institute in Südafrika diskutiert.

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About this series

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, its educational institutions, centres and foreign offices, offer several thousand events on various subjects each year. We provide up to date and exclusive reports on selected conferences, events and symposia at In addition to a summary of the contents, you can also find additional material such as pictures, speeches, videos or audio clips.

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Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.