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Event Reports


Bewusstsein für den Klimawandel schaffen

Das Themen-Modul „Klima und Energie“ auf der führenden Konferenz zum Investigativen Journalismus

„Neun Gletscher gab es vor einigen Jahrzehnten noch auf dem Kilimandscharo – heute sind es nur noch drei“, sagt John Vidal. Im Auditorium 1 des FNB-Building der University of Witwatersrand haben sich zahlreiche Zuhörer versammelt, um dem Umweltredakteur der renommierten britischen Tageszeitung „The Guardian“ zuzuhören. Der bekannte Experte warnt: „Extreme Wetterbedingungen werden zunehmen.“ Besonders der afrikanische Kontinent werde die Folgen des Klimawandels zu spüren bekommen.

"A milestone and a highlight"

Highway Africa and PACAI: The media siblings from Cape Town

Highway Africa and the Pan African Conference on Access to Information (PACAI), affiliated conferences supported by KAS Media Africa, made Cape Town the media capital of southern Africa in September 2011. As one of 250 journalists in the midst of it: reporter Simeon Maganga from Malawi. His personal conclusion is clear: “I gained a lot of interesting ideas that I can use for my future work.” He met with media makers and experts from the region to discuss decisive issues for the future of the media industry.

"Wir sitzen in einem Boot"

Regionaler Workshop "Einführung in den Investigativen Journalismus" in Mosambik

Wie geht man mit handfesten Drohungen um? Das ist nur eine von vielen brisanten Fragen und Herausforderungen, mit der sich investigative Reporter und Redakteure in Angola und Mosambik konfrontiert sehen. Die Ausübung der journalistischen Tätigkeit stößt im Alltag dieser Länder auf eine Vielzahl von Hindernissen.

Stories, videos, photos, and new horizons

KAS E-lection Bridge - South by Southeast in Beira, Mozambique

“The workshop has broadened our horizons,” declared Daviz Simango, Chairman of the opposition party Movimento Democratico de Mocambique (MDM), of the KAS E-lection Bridge Africa – South by Southeast in Beira. “I now see the world of communication with new eyes.” The two-day event from KAS Media Africa on the 11th and 12th of August 2011 took place in close cooperation with the foundation’s country programme in Mozambique under the direction of Annette Schwarzbauer.

"It is a very important project"

International Conference: Launching the KAS Media Law Handbook at the University of Pretoria

At the end of her successful presentation Justine Limpitlaw was taken aside by Arthur Chaskalson, the former Chief Justice of South Africa. “Very good; that is a very important project,” praised the prominent constitutional expert, referring to the regionally oriented Media Law Handbook created by the respected lawyer Limpitlaw in association with KAS Media Africa. “You should definitely keep working on this topic.”

"King Radio" and the future

International Conference: The "Joburg Radio Days 2011"

One sentence concisely set the tone: „Radio is still king among the media in Africa,” observed the British expert Mary Myers, who has successfully conducted several projects on the continent. As evidence she cited the significant growth rate in the field of so-called “community radios”. But, what does the future hold for the “king”? How can radio continue to contribute to the societal discourse and therefore to democratisation? These and similar questions were addressed by top-class international experts at the Joburg Radio Days 2011 held at Wits University in Johannesburg.

"Important for the political opposition"

Web TV Workshop in Angola

The participants in Angola were quite amazed when suddenly theory turned into practice. They had been listening attentively to the web-TV presentation when the unexpected occurred: With a cameraman at his side, lecturer Markus Brauckmann, director of KAS Media Africa, did a spontaneous interview with several of the assembled political communicators, firsthand and unaffected. The activity was meant to demonstrate how simple and efficient internet television can really be.

Bundeskanzlerin Merkel trifft KAS-Partner in Angola

Bei ihrem Angola-Besuch hat sich Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel auch mit den lokalen Partnern der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung getroffen. In einem Hintergrundgespräch zur Situation der Zivilgesellschaft in Angola unterhielt sie sich unter anderem mit Claudio Emanuel, Journalist bei dem von der KAS geförderten Radiosender „Despertar“, und dem angolanischen Rapper MC Kapa. Moderiert wurde die Diskussionsrunde von Holger Haibach, der seit Kurzem das Länderbüro der KAS für Namibia und Angola leitet.

Adressing Tomorrow's Media Challenges

Wits Journalism Seminar Mini-Series

Welcome to Wits Journalism! Speaking at the department’s recent mini-seminar series, Markus Brauckmann, director of the KAS Media Africa programme, told delegates that political parties operating in the region can raise their profile if they emulate their counterparts overseas, where Internet TV has successfully been used as a campaigning tool. Brauckmann managed the Internet TV operation of the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, during her successful re-election campaign in 2009.

Von Radio bis Web-TV: Die Herausforderungen von morgen

Aktuelle Veranstaltungsreihe - die Wits Journalism Seminar Mini-Series

Web TV ist einer der zukunftsträchtigen Instrumente im Werkzeugkasten der Medien und politischen Kommunikation. Die journalistische Fakultät der Witwatersrand University in Johannesburg hatte deshalb den Leiter des regionalen Medienprogramms Subsahara-Afrika, Markus Brauckmann, als Dozenten eingeladen. Brauckmann, der 2009 im Bundestagswahlkampf das Web TV der CDU geleitet hatte, sprach im Rahmen der angesehenen „Wits Journalism Seminar Mini-Series“ vor angehenden Journalisten, Studenten und Professoren.

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About this series

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, its educational institutions, centres and foreign offices, offer several thousand events on various subjects each year. We provide up to date and exclusive reports on selected conferences, events and symposia at In addition to a summary of the contents, you can also find additional material such as pictures, speeches, videos or audio clips.

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Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.