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Asset Publisher

KAS launches “Hounded: African Journalists in Exile” in Nairobi

The new book includes accounts of 16 journalists from West, Central, East and Southern Africa.

On March 16, KAS Media Africa played host to almost 40 people to launch a new book in Nairobi.

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Catalyst or Destabiliser?

COVID-19 and Its Impact on the Media Landscape Worldwide

As for so many other sectors, the COVID-19 pandemic has also left its marks on the media landscape worldwide. But has it really been a game-changer, or has it just accelerated and reinforced pre-existing trends? Has it only caused damage, or also offered new opportunities, and separated the wheat from the chaff? Eleven experts and practitioners covering nine world regions and countries will explore these questions.

Apply now for a scholarship place in a Wits Media Management short course!

KAS Media Africa and Wits Journalism invite African journalists and editors with management ambitions to apply for a Media Management short course accredited by the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa.

Hounded: African Journalists in Exile

In Hounded: African Journalists in Exile, 16 African journalists share accounts of how their unrelenting conviction to tell the truth forced them to flee their homelands.

Media Law Handbook for Southern Africa: Second Edition

The handbook is a practical resource for journalists and media lawyers offering a comprehensive overview of media laws for 13 countries in Southern Africa; it also looks at the key principles of media, broadcasting and internet regulation and what key challenges remain for media freedom.

It is about their story

How China, Turkey and Russia influence the media in Africa

Nigerian publisher Olorunyomi to get International Press Freedom Award

The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) awards Dapo Olorunyomi for his courageous work

Framing Democracy : Tanzania

Media Coverage of Tanzania’s 2020 Presidential Elections: A focus on opposition candidate Tundu Lissu

With an unprecedented decline in press freedom since President John Pombe Magufuli took over in 2015, Tanzania has become a tragic case study. Shutdowns of newspapers and other media outlets and censorship are rampant. Some journalists have been purged or harassed for not toeing the line while many others simply left the profession.

6th #AfricaBlogging annual conference takes place online

African political bloggers met virtually for their sixth annual conference in October.

Participants, from 12 English- and French-speaking countries discussed topics such as Cameroon’s political situation and deliberated on the importance of blogging amid shrinking democratic spaces.

Building Media Credibility and Trust in Africa

The media's credibility crisis in Africa

Simon Allison Africa Editor of Mail & Guardian and Editor of The Continent and Amanyehun R. Sisay, publisher of the Ethiopian Business Review talk about building media credibility and trust in Africa under the moderation of KAS Media Africa Director Christoph Plate.