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Reporting Local Governance and Community Participation


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With training and on-site production provided by CMFD (Community Media for development) Productions, the KAS Media Programme organised a 5-day workshop to build the interest, knowledge and capacity of radio journalists to investigate and report on local governance, issues, and initiatives affecting the community. The workshop involved 14 participants from radio stations in the northern region of Mozambique.

Through a combination of seminars, discussion and practical exercises, participants both learned about local government and community participation, and completed practical work interviewing and creating radio programmes. Programmes produced during the workshop, and distributed to participants, were about diverse governance issues such as how the fishing industry and eco-tourism plays a vital role with the social and economic health of the community, high crime in the area, malaria, and the lack of accommodation for secondary school learners.

It is an important aspect of the media in a democracy, particularly in developing countries and countries where media and democracy are still evolving, that journalists be trained to interrogate issues based on legislation and stated government commitments, as a way of holding them accountable.

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Pemba, Mozambique


Frank Windeck

Frank Windeck bild

DigitalAkademie +49 2241 246-2314 +49 2241 246-54257
Kommunalpolitik in Mozambique

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