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Georgi Gospodinov:

Facts are sacred – that was once

The opening speech of the well-known Bulgarian writer and international Booker winner Georgi Gospodinov during the conference «Blurring the truth. Desinformation in South East Europe», organised by the KAS Media Programme in Sofia on 4th of April 2023. It was published in "Neue Zürcher Zeitung" in German.

Meeting of the research fellows of KAS Media Programme South East Europe in Sofia

The KAS Media Programme South East Europe has awarded for the second time two journalism research scholarships to German journalists.

Adenauer Journalism Scholarship

The KAS Media Programme South East Europe starts a new call for its scholarship programme for journalism Bachelor (B.A.) students. And for Master (M.A.) students of all majors with а parallel proven engagement at a media outlet. The scholars will receive a monthly grant. The Adenauer Journalism Scholarship is intended for students enrolled at universities in Sofia, Bulgaria.

Scholars of KAS Media Programme SEE visit the Bulgarian Council for Electronic Media in Sofia

On 2nd of May the scholars of the KAS Media Programme South East Europe visited the Bulgarian Council for Electronic Media (CEM).

ARD Tagesschau, MPKAS

"The Russian propaganda is destructive. The goal is the destruction of the liberal societies."

Translation of the interview with Hendrik Sittig, Head of the KAS Media Programme Southeast Europe, for the Bulgarian National Radio "BNR", published on April 01, 2023.

Digital Plague: Disinformation and Fake News in Southeast Europe

New Study by the KAS Media Programme Southeast Europe

With the book "Blurring the Truth. Disinformation in Southeast Europe", the Media Programme of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung provides an overview of disinformation in ten countries of the region and Germany.

KAS Recherchestipendium Südosteuropa mit Schwerpunkt Medien

Frühjahr 2023

Zum zweiten Mal schreibt das Medienprogramm Südosteuropa der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung zwei Recherchestipendien für deutsche Journalistinnen und Journalisten aus: in den Ländern Bulgarien, Kroatien, Montenegro, Nordmazedonien, Rumänien, Serbien.

Report: Investigative Media in Romania

by Karin Finkenzeller, Research Fellow of the KAS Media Programme in Romania, 2022

Finding a newsstand in Romania in the year 2022 can take quite some time. And if you decide to walk, the recommended 10,000 steps per day are easy to come by. There are only a few newsstands left. The variety of choice there may seem very large at first glance. But the daily newspapers frequently have fewer than ten pages, while those that appear weekly have a few more. Both focus on local events and consumer topics. A daily newspaper costs the equivalent of about 40 cents, while a weekly paper costs less than 2 euros. The content is correspondingly light. More pages immediately suggest politically motivated supporters.

Publication: "Authoritarians on a Media Offensive in the Midst of War"

The KAS Media Programme South East Europe together with The Institute for Global Analytics and The European Council on Foreign Relations, have released a report: "Authoritarians on a Media Offensive in the Midst of War. The Informational Influence of Russia, China, Turkey, Iran and the Gulf States in Southeast Europe."

Stellenausschreibung - Projektkoordinator(in) (als Elternzeitvertretung)

Das Medienprogramm Südosteuropa der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Sofia sucht zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt eine/n Projektkoordinator(in) – als Elternzeitvertretung.

Die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung setzt sich mit weltweit mehr als 100 Auslandsbüros auf Basis der christlich-demokratischen Werte für Demokratie, Rechtsstaat, freie Medien und die europäische Idee ein. Das KAS-Medienprogramm Südosteuropa fördert Pressefreiheit, Medienvielfalt und politische Kommunikation in zehn Ländern der Region.