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Event Reports

Experts discuss internet policy

by Dr. Vladimir Zlatarsky
On initiative of KAS, experts from South East Europe and Germany discuss current developments and give recommendations.

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Many internet users consider personal information to be insecure and feel threatened by unauthorized disclosure of their data. How is the situation in the Balkan countries? The KAS Media Program South East Europe gathered experts from 27 to 29 October 2014 in Bucharest to give an overview on the topic. They also formulated joint recommendations.

On legal issues, the KAS Media Program cooperates with the "Article 10 EHCR" Task Force of Prof. Dr. Johannes Weberling (Viadrina European University Frankfurt/ Oder). Experts from Germany and South East Europe analyse the media development in their countries from a legal point of view. The name of the Task Force is derived from the European Convention on Human Rights – it describes the right to freedom of expression in Article 10.

On invitation by Prof. Dr. Weberling and KAS, experts from South East Europe discussed the situation of media rights on the internet. The working group also sought dialogue with the Rumanian public. Prof. Dr. Weberling discussed the trade-off between freedom and online security with Oliver Vujović, Secretary General of the South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO).

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