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Map of the Month

The KAS Map of the Month


76th World Health Assembly

Map of the Month 05/2023

The 76th World Health Assembly voted on 24 May on a proposed resolution by Ukraine and 42 supporting states entitled "Health emergency in Ukraine and refugee-receiving and -hosting countries, stemming from the Russian Federation’s aggression". Among other things, the text calls for an immediate end to Russian attacks on health facilities. Out of 177 members entitled to vote, 80 voted in favour and 9 against this resolution. Two days later, under pressure from Russia, the 10 new candidates for the Executive Board had to be voted on by secret ballot for the first time in the history of the WHO, as Russia contested the election proposal of its own WHO region because of Ukraine's nomination. The vote was clear: 123 Member States voted for the list of candidates (6 invalid votes and 48 abstentions or absences). A vote on individual candidates was not WHO-constitutional, to Russia's disappointment. Finally, Director General, Dr Adhanom Ghebreyesus, filled the positions of his management team that were still open in his second term.

36th Special Session of the UN Human Rights Council on Sudan

Map of the Month 05/2023

The UN Human Rights Council during its 36th Special Session on 11 May, decided with 18 votes in favour, 15 against and 14 abstentions to strengthen the mandate of the High Commissioner’s designated Expert on Sudan. He is asked to monitor and document all allegations of human rights violations and abuses since 25 October 2021, including those arising directly from the current conflict with a specific focus on prevention of further such violations and abuses from occurring. The UK, the USA, Germany and Norway with support of 16 other Council Members and 36 Observer States called for the convening of the Session. Sudan had opposed the convening of the Session and called for a vote.

Least-developed countries at the World Trade Organization (WTO)

Map of the Month 05/2023

Currently, 46 countries worldwide are classified as Least Developed Countries (LDCs). This status allows the designated countries to obtain concessions, preferential market access and technical assistance, particularly in the area of trade. The LDC negotiating group at the WTO regularly calls for more flexibility and longer transition periods of trade facilitation for countries which successfully graduated from the LDC status or are on the verge of graduating.

Central Vote of the 52nd UN Human Rights Council

Map of the Month 04/2023

At 14 weeks, the 52nd session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva was the longest session since the creation of the Council. 43 resolutions on country situations, including Myanmar, South Sudan, Nicaragua, Mali, Libya, the People's Republic of Korea or Belarus, as well as on various topics, including freedom of belief or the new right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment, were considered. The Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine also presented its report. The body found evidence that shows that Russian authorities have committed a wide range of violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law, many of which amount to war crimes. In addition, attacks by Russian armed forces on Ukraine’s energy-related infrastructure and the use of torture by Russian authorities may amount to crimes against humanity. The extension of the commission for another year was adopted with 28 votes in favour, 2 against and 19 abstentions, after China and Eritrea called for a vote and voted against.

Donors and financial announcements made during high level pledging conference for Yemen in Geneva

Map of the Month 03/2023

During a high-level pledging conference for Yemen in Geneva on 27 February, $1.16 billion were pledged against needs of $4.3 billion. According to the UN, Yemen is the world's worst humanitarian crisis with 21.6 million people, about 2/3 of the population, in need of humanitarian aid. The highest pledges came from the US (444 million), the European Commission (207 million), Germany (129 million) and the UK (107 million). Currently, only 20% of the appeal is covered. Already last year, underfunding has forced aid organisations to massively scale back their services.

Resolution on a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in Ukraine at the UN General Assembly

Map of the Month 02/2023

One year after Russia’s invasion on Ukraine, the UN General Assembly in its 11th special emergency session on Ukraine on 23 February demands Russia to „immediately, completely and unconditionally withdraw all of its military forces from the territory of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders, (...) calls for a cessation of hostilities, (and a) complete exchange of prisoners of war, the release of all unlawfully detained persons and the return of all internees and of civilians forcibly transferred and deported, including children“. The text was adopted with 141 in favour, 7 against and 32 abstentions. Two amendments by Belarus were rejected after a vote. In comparison to last year, Mali and Nicaragua changed from abstention to a no-vote.

Proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR)

Map of the Month 02/2023

The 75th World Health Assembly decided to invite member states to submit proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations by 30 September 2022. This map depicts the States Parties that have proposed such amendments (four States Parties submitted proposals on behalf of other States). Multiple issues were addressed, e.g. information sharing, notification duties, access, the determination of a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) and access to health products, technology and know-how. Discussions and negotiations about the amendments started in February 2023.

Voting behaviour in the UN Human Rights Council in 2022: in relation to Germany and China

Map of the Month 01/2023

The Map of the Month January illustrates the joint voting behaviour of the Members of the UN Human Rights Council (HRC) with Germany and China in 2022. A total of 97 resolutions were adopted in the UN Human Rights Council, of which 33 were put to a vote due to lack of consensus. Besides the EU member states, Japan, South Korea, Ukraine, the UK and the USA voted most often with Germany; Cameroon, Uzbekistan, Sudan or China the least. Of all African Council members, Malawi voted most often with Germany. On the other hand, Venezuela, Eritrea, Russia, Bolivia and Cuba voted most often with China, while EU member states, South Korea, Japan and Ukraine rarely did so, and the USA, the UK, the Czech Republic and the Marshall Islands never. After the Russian attack on Ukraine which lead to the suspension of Russia's right to membership, the Czech Republic replaced Russia with full voting rights at the 50th and 51st session in the Group of Eastern European States.

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About this series

The "Map of the Month", a new series of the Multilateral Dialogue Geneva of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, uses maps to illustrate global trends and the role of Germany and Europe in the world on a monthly basis.

Andrea Ellen Ostheimer

Andrea Ostheimer

Director KAS Genf Office +41 79 318 9841