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Eighths Issue of the Newsletter “Nazaha/Integrity” Published

The eighths edition of the newsletter “Nazaha/Integrity” is focusing on the awarding ceremony of the first “Nazaha”-Certificates for Good Governance, which took place under the auspices of Prime Minister Salam Fayyad. Other issues concerning integrity, transparency and accountability within the NGO-sector in Palestine are being raised as well. The newsletter is published regularly in the framework of the Nazaha project.

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AMAN (Coalition for Accountability and Integrity), together with the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS), is implementing this project to strengthen the Palestinian civil society through enhancing the accountability and good governance in the NGO sector.

The project is part of the European Union’s “Initiative for Democracy and Human Rights” and jointly funded by the EU and the KAS.

The overall goal of the project is the fight against corruption within Palestinian NGOs and – as a second step - to enable these NGOs to play their watchdog role in order to help creating a more transparent and accountable public sector in the Palestinian Autonomous Territories.

All NGOs involved are compelled to adopt strict standards of integrity, accountability and transparency. A Code of Conduct, auditing and transparency vis-à-vis the public are part of these standards. An incentive to implement the Code of Conduct will be given by awarding a NGO certificate of integrity.

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