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Thousands of Palestinians demonstrate for national unity and elections

Several thousand Palestinians demonstrated in several cities for reconciliation between the two main Palestinian movements Fatah and Hamas and for inclusive elections.

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The aim of the mass demonstrations, organized on Facebook, is to pressure the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank and the Hamas government in the Gaza Strip to work for a reunification of the Palestinian Territories, which are divided since June 2007, and to hold national elections, which were postponed several times. While the protests remained peaceful in the West Bank, Hamas in Gaza organized a counter demonstration to undermine the public expressions of discontent about the internal political stagnation.

In Ramallah, the rally at the central Manara Square, which attracted about 2,000 people, was accompanied by a hunger strike of several young Palestinians.

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Demonstration KAS Ramallah
Demonstranten in Ramallah KAS Ramallah 2011
Demonstranten KAS Ramallah
Demonstration KAS Ramallah


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