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Event Reports

Youth Organisation of the CDU (Christian Democratic Party) Visiting KAS Ramallah

“The background information which we obtained in Ramallah today is not available in the media. These are unforgettable impressions!” These were the words by Christian Baron from the delegation of the youth organisation (Junge Union) Baden-Württemberg and one of the participants who exchanged their experiences with Palestinian members of the Baader Youth Council.

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The young people who are committed to political work were especially impressed by the talk with students from Birzeit University, who belong to the Baader Youth Council, which is a youth association founded by the Institute for Community Partnership (IPCC) in cooperation with KAS Ramallah. These students gave an account of their everyday-life at a Palestinian University and both groups discussed in detail differences and similarities between life in Germany and the Palestinian Autonomous Territories.

After a short presentation of the challenging research carried out by the Institute of Law and the legal position in the Palestinian Territories, Jamil Elias Salem, research assistant at the Institute of Law, answered the numerous interested questions of the German and Palestinian students.

The work of the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation in the Palestinian Autonomous Territories was the focus of the discussion with Thomas Birringer, Resident Representative of the KAS in his office in Ramallah. The delegates of the youth organisation talked to Hubert Jäger, the deputy head of the German Representative Office Ramallah and received interesting details about the cooperation of Germany with the Palestinian Autonomous Territories and the political situation. Some of the topics could be deepened at the following briefing with the NSU (Negotiation Support Unit). In addition, the group met with Christoph Schult, the foreign correspondent of ‘Der Spiegel’ in the region.

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