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Libya Conference: A Success for German Diplomacy

The Berlin Libya Conference is a success for German diplomacy. For five months the German government has been working behind the scenes on the so-called Berlin process for Libya, which Chancellor Merkel announced in September 2019. The conference in Berlin was preceded by several meetings of senior officials from the participating states and regional organizations. All foreign powers interfering in the Libyan conflict were brought together and committed themselves to respect the UN arms embargo and to stop bringing mercenaries and arms into the country.

Peace by Piece: Solving the Libyan Puzzle through Municipalities

Libya Brief no. 8

Municipal councils and other local community actors are crucial for solving Libya’s current crisis. While the implementation of decentralization efforts is stalled at present due to the ongoing conflict, the escalation of political and military tensions at the national level has given an even greater importance to local bodies and initiatives. In times of war and political uncertainty, and despite various ideological divisions within members of municipal councils, local government authorities can be key actors in reconciliation and service provision for the population.

Special Economic Zones

A Model for the Middle East and North Africa

The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) have enormous economic potential with remarkable natural resources and industrial production capacities. While considerable progress for economic reforms has been reached already, a deeper regional integration and stronger cooperation can provide the needed impetus for facilitated development and upgraded national as well as regional economic structures in the wider region. One economic and business tool that could help generate growth and encourage regional integration is the “Special Economic Zone” (SEZ). SEZs can be a stepping-stone for greater sectoral change as infrastructure development and streamlined regulation alongside heightened investments can open job opportunities, strengthen value chains and enable greater inter-regional dialogue and cooperation in the MENA region.

Algeria’s Crisis: Outlook and Regional Implications

Mediterranean Dialogue Series 22

Algeria, the largest country in Africa by land area, one of Europe’s top three gas suppliers and a pivotal security actor in the region, has been shaken by mass protests since February 22, 2019. In this paper, Dalia Ghanem analyses the impact of the Algerian crisis on its neighbors Tunisia, Morocco, the Sahel and Europe.

The Maghreb’s Got Talent, but it’s leaving the region

Mediterranean Dialogue Series 21

While the attention on migration flows in the Mediterranean focusses mainly on the irregular dimension, the economic losses caused by the departure of skilled workers from the countries of the Maghreb are an important issue that remains little discussed. In this article, the author addresses a phenomenon that highlights the need to further coordinate migration policies between the two shores of the Mediterranean.

Stuart Rankin / CC BY-NC 2.0

MENA 2030: A Strategic Foresight Exercise

Mediterranean Dialogue Series 20

The prospects for regional cooperation on peace and security in the broader Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region are more than bleak to take stock and to identify future trends, threats, and weak signals of change that might have an influence on the security architecture of the region, the Regional Political Dialogue South Mediterranean of Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) convened its Mediterranean Advisory Group for a strategic foresight exercise on 28 to 30 March 2019 to formulate future scenarios for the MENA region and discuss possible opportunities for multilateral security cooperation in the Mediterranean.

The European Union and North Africa

Prospects and Challenges

The ongoing upheaval in North Africa has presented many challenges to Europe, which previously had been comfortable with the status quo of authoritarian leadership in much of the region. Now in its ninth year, the turmoil has forced European leaders to rethink their approaches to the region, based on the now-obvious reality that the brief hopes of early 2011 for the spread of democracy and economic progress will not be fulfilled anytime soon.

gordontour / flickr / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Libyen: Haftar in der Tripolis-Sackgasse

Während Kampfverbände des selbsternannten Feldmarschalls und de-facto Herrschers Ost-Libyens Khalifa Haftar vor den Toren der libyschen Hauptstadt Tripolis stehen, haben die Milizen im Westen des Landes unter der nationalen „Einheitsregierung“ (GNA) die Operation „Vulkan des Zorns“ zur Verteidigung der Hauptstadt ausgerufen. Haftar will mit seiner „libyschen Nationalarmee“ (LNA) die Macht in Tripolis und somit in ganz Libyen übernehmen. Dafür muss er alles auf eine Karte setzen.

Trump in North Africa

Mediterranean Dialogue Series 19

The election of US President Donald Trump in 2017 meant a critical realignment in Washington’s global priorities. The Middle East and North Africa is no exception to this trend as new geopolitical realities emerged that prevalently breaks with traditional arrangements. The Trump administration’s policy towards North Africa in particular was characterized by a degree of apathy and an overall prioritization of US national interest. But the gradual demise of the White House and the State Department in North Africa is being replaced by an active Pentagon and a reinvigorated Congress. The following presents an evaluation of the US policy towards North Africa in the Trump era.

Drifting Apart? Transatlantic Relations in the Middle East

Meditarranean Dialogue Series 18

The transatlantic relations are not going through a smooth period. There seem to be more divergences than convergences regarding a number of issues. One of the areas where deep disconnects plague current transatlantic cooperation is the Middle East policy. While there is a common transatlantic understanding of the main threats to peace and stability in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, differences mark the approaches towards issues such as the nuclear deal with Iran or the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.