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Event Reports

Rendering Young People More Employable: The Role of the Private Sector

Expert roundtable on solutions to unemployment and lack of job generation in the Mediterranean region

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Youth unemployment represents a particularly serious problem in the southern Mediterranean region. To foster the exchange across national borders on how to tackle this challenge, the KAS Regional Office South Mediterranean organized an expert workshop entitled “Rendering Young People More Employable: The Role of the Private Sector” in cooperation with the “Co-Opinion Network” from 17 to 20 August 2017. Participants were policy-makers, academics as well as representatives of popular think-tanks and of the private sector who are active in different countries of the region. During the workshop, the role of the private sector in integrating young women and men into the labor market was highlighted, as well as the challenges and opportunities that are linked to artificial intelligence and industry 4.0. Besides, the importance of aligning the respective university curricula with the needs of the labor markets was discussed in detail. The event offered the opportunity for the experts to exchange about the current situation in the whole region as well as in several countries, and, based on this, to jointly develop possible solutions and recommendations for policy-makers.

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