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Społeczna Gospodarka Rynkowa w dobie transformacji energetycznej w Unii Europejskiej i Ukrainie

Biblioteka Myśli Ekonomicznej

Monografia ta powstała po ubiegłorocznym seminarium, poświęconym Społecznej Gospodarce Rynkowej i zawiera artykuły wybitnych ekspertów, którzy brali udział w seminarium. Skierowana jest nie tylko do ekspertów, lecz także osób zainteresowanych tematem, a przede wszystkim do kreatorów i regulatorów życia społeczno-gospodarczego. Praca ukazała pod redakcją naukową prof. Elżbiety Mączyńskiej, prof. Piotra Pysza i prof. Marii Urbaniec


After the European elections in Poland

The EU policy of the Tusk government

The pro-European and liberal Civic Platform party won the European Parliament elections in June 2024. Its biggest competitor, the right-wing conservative Law and Justice party, came second with a result only 1% worse. What does the election result say about the Polish political scene and what consequences will it have? What can be expected for the direction of European policy after the election? The previous cabinet, formed by the Law and Justice party, was extremely skeptical about cooperation and tried to limit the integration process. Will Poland return to the European arena as a powerful player and what does the country have to offer Europe?

Adobe Stock / Panama

Poland as a strong security guarantor on NATO’s eastern flank

What can a successful modernization of the Polish armed forces mean for Europe and Germany?

Core elements of Polish security and defense policy are a strong perception of the threat posed by Russia, strong ties to NATO and intensive bilateral relations with the USA. A hallmark of Polish defense policy is a strengthening of security resilience, which is being consistently pursued despite the change of government. The radical modernization of the armed forces is being achieved through increased funding (3.9 percent of GDP), a new concept of general defense, a planned increase in troops and new purchases of mostly US equipment. The Republic of Poland will not become a security guarantor for Eastern Europe in the medium term without foreign arms imports. This requires European and American support, coordination and scaling. If this succeeds, the eastern flank would be more secure than ever in history.

IMAGO / Forum

Local elections in Poland 2024

Tailwind or setback for the new Tusk government?

Regional and local elections were held in Poland on 7 April 2024. The national-conservative party Law and Justice (PiS) had the best result with 34.4%. In second place was the liberal electoral alliance Civic Coalition (KO) with 30.6%, while the third place on the podium went to the centrist electoral committee Third Way (Trzecia Droga) with 14.3%. In total, the liberal democratic parties won just over 50% and will govern in most of Poland's 16 regions. In this sense, PiS lost this election, if by losing we mean losing power. PiS has no coalition capacity and in principle can only govern where it has won an absolute majority. Its shares in local government have decreased and that of KO has increased. But in terms of image, PiS won the elections.

© Bundestag / Marc-Steffen Unger

Debata w Bundestagu o stosunkach polsko-niemieckich

Wniosek Frakcji CDU/CSU w sprawie działań w obszarze stosunków polsko-niemieckich i Trójkąta Weimarskiego

22 lutego odbyła się w Niemieckim Bundestagu debata na temat stanu stosunków polsko-niemieckich. Rozmowy skupiły się na zacieśnieniu współpracy między Polską a Niemcami oraz na reorganizacji Trójkąta Weimarskiego. Inicjatywa debaty wyszła od grupy parlamentarnej CDU/CSU, która, z naszym udziałem, opracowała wniosek w tej kwestii. Przygotowaliśmy dla zainteresowanych tłumaczenie tego wniosku.

IMAGO / Eastnews

Difficult change: From the PiS state back to the rule of law

Fifty turbulent days for the new coalition

The parliamentary elections on October 15, 2023 have fundamentally changed the face of the Polish political scene. With a record voter turnout of over 73%, the national-conservative government, formed by the Law and Justice party (PiS), was deposed and the four liberal democratic coalition parties (Civic Platform - PO, Polska 2050, Polish People's Party - PSL and the New Left) won overall 248 mandates in the 460-seat Sejm. Nevertheless, the PiS remains the strongest faction in parliament with 194 seats. In his first government statement in December, new Prime Minister Donald Tusk announced his cabinet's priorities, which are to restore the rule of law and return Poland to the European family.

Ukraina jako państwo kandydujące do członkostwa w Unii Europejskiej

Aspekty polityczne i prawne w świetle agresji Rosji

Celem raportu, przygotowanego we współpracy Polskiej Fundacji im. Roberta Schumena, Fundacji Konrada Adenauera i Konferencji Ambasadorów RP, jest naświetlenie znaczenia statusu Ukrainy jako państwa kandydującego do członkostwa w Unii Europejskiej.

Akt symboliczny

Åšwiadczenia z Niemiec dla ofiar zbrodni nazistowskich w Polsce

Fundacja Konrada Adenauera wsparła tłumaczenie na jęz. niemiecki publikacji Centrum Studiów Niemieckich i Europejskich im. Willy’ego Brandta Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego na temat uregulowań, związanych z wypłatą odszkodowań przez Niemcy dla ofiar II wojny światowej. AKT SYMBOLICZNY. Świadczenia z Niemiec dla ofiar zbrodni nazistowskich w Polsce. Formuła "pragmatyczna" w świetle porozumień z lat 1991 I 2000


Tadeusz Mazowiecki. Pisma i dokumenty 1989-1990

W 10 rocznicę śmierci Premiera Tadeusza Mazowieckiego ukazała się przy wsparciu Fundacji Konrada Adenauera publikacja zawierająca pisma i zapisy rozmów oraz ważnych wystąpień i wywiadów z czasów jego urzędowania w dobie przełomu.


A celebration of democracy

Pro-European opposition wins Polish parliamentary elections

Poland's national-conservative government has lost its political majority after eight years in power. After all votes were counted, the democratic opposition parties won the elections to the Polish Sejm and Senate on October 15th: Koalicja Obywatelska (Citizens' Coalition, KO), Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe (Polish People's Party, PSL) and Polska 2050 (Poland 2050) - the latter both running together in the electoral alliance Trzecia Droga (Third Way, TD) – and Lewica (Left). Observers describe this result as a historic turning point, which is marked by a record voter turnout of 74.38% - the highest since the political change in 1989. In the coming months, Poland will face important decisions regarding its domestic and foreign policy. 180-degree changes can be expected in European and German policy, in socio-political issues, and in the style and rhetoric of a new government. The economic and institutional environment remains challenging because financial leeway is becoming narrower and powerful veto players have to be taken into account. Furthermore, there are important local and European elections coming up next year, which is why there are fears that the election campaign will simply continue. The PiS in particular will make things anything but easy for the new government and will make every attempt to damage the three-party alliance.