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Single title

Environmental Policy in South Korea

Problems and Perspectives

In the 2015 issue of "KAS Journal on Contemporary Korean Affairs" Korean and German scientists write about the country's nuclear policy, renewable energies, the efforts towards achieving the climate goals of the South Korean government and the chances of a green party in Korea.

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Table of Content

Norbert Eschborn

Editorial 5

Duchel Shin

Political Opportunity Structure and the Institutionalization of Green Movements in Korea: The case of the Green Party 7

Sungjin Kim

Korea and the Green Climate Fund: Expectations and Limitations of Seoulā€™s new Role in World Climate Protection 45

Andreas Oberheitmann

Low Carbon and Green Growth in South Korea 83

Sun-Jin Yun

Koreaā€™s Nuclear Policy - Past, Present, Future 117

Gi-Eun Kim

Koreaā€™s Green Energy - Potential 171

About the authors 189

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Stefan Samse

Stefan Samse bild

Director Rule of Law Programme Asia +65 6603 6171


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