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Event Reports

German State Minister Beermann calls for cooperation in education and research

Dr. Johannes Beermann,State Minister of the German Freestate of Saxony, visited the Higher Colleges of Technology in Abu Dhabi. The intention of his visit was to foster recently established economic ties between Saxony and Abu Dhabi and to extend this cooperation to the fields of research and education.

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“Through the acquisition of a semi-conductor factory in Dresden by Globalfoundaries last year, our two regions have a strong common interest in highly qualified talents. Hence, we need to intensify the cooperation between our educational institutions. Knowledge exchange is a key factor for success,“ stated Beermann.

By introducing the so called German dual education system to the students at HCT, Beermann stressed the importance of not only educating intellectual engineers and developers, but also highly-qualified workers. “A car on paper, designed by engineers, still needs to be built by skilled workers so it can drive safely on the roads.”

Afterwards Professor Joerg Weber, Vice President from the Technical University Dresden, gave an impressive outlook on the German university landscape. Universities in Germany and in Saxony are not only “nice” they also offer a huge opportunity to combine research and direct application of knowledge in workspace.

The lecture had been jointly organized by HCT, the German Embassy and the Regional Program Gulf-States of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, a German organization that recently started activities in Abu Dhabi.

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Philipp Dienstbier

Philipp Dienstbier

Director of the Regional Programme Gulf States +962 6 59 24 150


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