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Das Prinzip der Komplementarität

Das Prinzip der Komplementarität bei der Anwendung des Römischen Statuts zum Internationalen Strafgerichtshof im Fall Kenia

KAS African Law Study Library / KAS Librairie Africaine D'etudes Juridiques Vol. 18

Volume 18 comprises of the first series of articles written by young researches from theNational University of Rwanda. It focuses on EAC, separation of powers in Uganada and Rwanda, decentralisation and arbitration in Rwanda among others. Thus volume contributes to the regional and international approach of the Rule of Law in Africa.

KAS African Law Study Library / KAS Librairie Africaine D'etudes Juridiques Vol. 17

This volume is the product of contributions by young legal researchers of the University of Abomey-Calavi in Benin. The contributions therein mainly addresses two issues namely, the enjoyment of civil and political rights and the implementation of the economic, social and cultural rights in Benin.

Focus on Africa

ICC: Push and Pull Over Presidential Immunity From ICC Trial; KENYA: Kenya’s bid to stop ICC trials fails at the UN; CHAD: PM resigns ahead of censure vote; MOZAMBIQUE: Ruling party leads vote count

Focus on Africa

SOMALIA: The Fight against Al-Shabab boosted; MADAGASCAR: Presidential Election Goes To Run-Off Vote; KENYA: Victims withdraw from the case against Deputy President; NIGERIA: U.S. Joins War Against Boko Haram

Focus on Africa

DR Congo rebels surrender in Uganda; Al-Qaeda claims journalists' killing in Mali; Rebel movement rejects peace talks; MADAGASCAR Still Awaiting Presidential Elections Results; The Trial of President Uhuru Kenyatta before The ICC to Start on 5th February 2014

KAS African Law Study Library / KAS Librairie Africaine D'etudes Juridiques Vol. 16

This issue by the researchers from the University of Burundi focuses on the concept of the rule of law as a political order, system of government and a driving force of regional integration. The articles interrogates whether Burundi upholds democratic values and is always respectful of human rights.

Focus on Africa

Counting begins after Abyei’s unilateral referendum; Congo army enters last major rebel stronghold; UN urges more troops to fight al-Shabab; Madagascar’s first presidential elections since the 2009 coup

Focus on Africa

President Uhuru excused from regular presence at ICC trial; Bashir meets South Sudan leader over Abyei; Mozambique peace deal unravels after attack; Zimbabwe takes the EU to Court

Focus on Africa