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Single title

Business and Human Rights in South Africa

Human Sciences Research Council, Pretoria, 30–31 October 1999

The National Human Rights Trust believes that organised business (i.e. from the factory floor up to the highest levels of management) bears the crunch of these centrifugal forces which currently dominate the southafrican society. It is, furthermore, an unassailable fact that business has a vital role to play in the successful transition/transformation of society to that of a fully-fledged democracy. Business has to therefore be assisted in the awesome task facing it in that regard. One way of so assisting business, is to create opportunities where leaders from business may raise their concerns, share their experiences, air their views and, hopefully, also learn from one another and from others how these challenges may be met.

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Table of Contents


Dr. Johan Kruger, National Human Rights Trust

Welcoming Remarks

Dr. Michael Lange, Konrad Adenauer Foundation

Opening Remarks

Justice Albie Sachs, Constitutional Court of South Africa

Introduction to the Bill of Rights from a Commercial Perspective

Dr. Theuns Eloff, National Business Initiative

Understanding the Synergy Between the Bill of Rights and Commercial Activity

Reuel Khoza, Eskom

Making the Workplace Human Rights Friendly

Mandla Seleoane, Human Sciences Research Council

Charting the Statutory Implementation of the Values of the Bill of Rights in the Business World: Past and Future

Judge Dennis Davis, Cape High Court

The Role of the Business Community in the Evolution of a Human Rights Culture in South Africa

Mahlaphe Sello, Barlow Foundation

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