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Human Rights Report Card 2018

The Centre for Constitutional Rights (CFCR) has for the past nine years annually presented a Human Rights Report Card. The Report Card measures the realisation of human rights in South Africa.

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The Human Rights Report Card serves as an important benchmark for the public as well as for policy makers. Looking at a wide variety of indicators, the Human Rights Report Card measures South Africa's performance in Human Rights. Depending on whether South Africa is performing averagely, good or bad, grades are awarded. Hereby, the Report provides us with crucial information on where efforts have to be intensified to achieve more favorable Human Rights conditions.

The grades awarded for the different sectors differ greatly. South Africa receives good grades e.g. concerning Freedom of Religion, Belief and Opinion, Political Rights, Citizenship and Freedom of Movement and Residence. South Africa performs averagely in e.g. the sectors Human Dignity, Slavery, Servitude and Forced Labour and Labour Relations. South Africa performs poorly or very poorly e.g. regarding the indicators Equality, Life, Education, Arrested, Detained and Accused Persons, Property and Access to Information.

The report has a look at the following categories:

  • Equality within South Africa, Human Dignity in South Africa, Life in South Africa, Freedom and Security of the Person in South Africa, Slavery, Servitude and Forced Labour in South Africa
  • Privacy in South Africa, Freedom of Religion, Belief and Opinion in South Africa, Freedom of Expression in South Africa, Freedom of Assembly, Demonstration, Picket and Petition in South Africa, Freedom of Association in South Africa
  • Political Rights in South Africa, Citizenship in South Africa, Freedom of Movement and Residence in South Africa, Freedom of Trade, Occupation and Profession in South Africa, Labour Relations in South Africa
  • The South African Environment, Property in South Africa, South African Housing, Healthcare, Food, Water and Social Security in South Africa, South African Children
  • Education in South Africa, Language and Culture of South Africa, Cultural, Religious and Linguistic Communities in South Africa, Access to Information in South Africa, Just Administrative Action in South Africa
  • Access to Courts in South Africa, Arrested, Detained and Accused Persons in South Africa

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