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Local Government Elections 2000: From Transition to Consolidation

20–21 September 2000, Cedar Park Convention Centre, Woodmead, Johannesburg

Fundamental to democracy is the notion that “the people shall govern”. This implies that structures andsystems are in place that provide citizens with a democratic right and responsibility to become involvedin government and governance. The goal motivating the transformation of local government is to developa framework and process that allows for effective government. This is a process that seeks to workclosely with local citizens and communities to find ways of meeting their needs and developing strategies to improve their quality of life. Furthermore, it seeks innovative methods to enhance and sustain the delivery of services, especially to those communities most in need.

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Table of Contents


Ilona Tip, Director: Elections and Democracy Services, Electoral Institute of Southern Africa (EISA)

Opening Remarks

Dr Michael Lange, Resident Representative, Konrad Adenauer Foundation – Johannesburg

Service Delivery Within the Context of Developmental Local Government

Dr Thomas Mogale, Convenor, Masters in Management Degree Programme, Graduate School of Public and Development Management, University of the Witwatersrand

Legislative Implications of the Demarcation Process

Hilary Monare, Acting Manager, Demarcation Board

The Impact of the Demarcation Process on Traditional Leadership

Nkosi M B Mzimela, Chairperson, National House of Traditional Leader

The Impact of Legislative Changes on Educating the Electorate: The IEC Perspective

Advocate Edward Lambani, Director, Legal Services Department IEC, National Office

Conflict Management Mechanisms for the 2000 Local Government Elections

Louise Olivier, Legal Services Dept IEC, National Office

Gender Equality in the Sphere of Local Government

Glenda Fick, Electoral Institute of Southern Africa, Legal Researcher

Participation in Local Government: A Rural Perspective

Memke Nkone, Trainer: Local Government and Women’s Participation, Women’s Development Foundation

Developing an Appropriate Methodology for Democracy Education

Sherri le Mottee, Curriculum Specialist, EISA

Workshop Discussion Summary

David Pottie, Senior Researcher, EISA


Participants’ List

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