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"Tracking the Pulse of the People"

Value Change in South Africa post Apartheid

KAS in partnership with the CRL Commission invites to a presentation on the latest results of the World Values Survey by Prof. Hennie Kotze, that is specifically addressed to representatives from Chapter 9 institutions and the Civil Society sector.

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Princess of Wales Terrace,
2041 Parktown
Republic of South Africa
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  • Prof. Hennie Kotze
    • Lead Researcher of the World Values Survey in South Africa at the University of Stellenbosch


      "Tracking the Pulse of the People": Value change in post-apartheid South Africa
      read now

      Christina Teichmann

      FLTR: MR Schoeman, CRL Rights Commission; Dr. Dix, Country Representative KAS South Africa; Prof. Mosona, CRL Rights Commission; Prof. Kotzé, Stellenbosch University; Dr. Knoetze, Secunda Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation
      Briefing on the latest results of the World Value Survey South Africa with Prof. Kotzé, Stellenbosch University Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation
      Prof. Hennie Kotzé, Stellenbosch University Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation
      Left-hand: Dr. Kobus Gerber, Dutch Reformed Church, Right-hand: Teresa Conradie, Motla Conradie INC. Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation

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