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Expert talk

Afrobarometer Round 7 South Africa Data Release

Trust in the Judiciary - Access to Justice - Judicial Autonomy

On May 16th the Institute for Justice and Reconciliation in cooperation with the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation host the release of the Afrobarometer 2018 survey data on judiciary and access to justice in South Africa.

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The release event at 11am, 16 May 2019 will include a presentation, a discussion of the results by President Judge-Cagney Musi, Matthias Krönke and Chris Oxtoby. A question and answer session and interviews can be conducted after the release.

While access to justice in South Africa remains a much discussed topic, join us as we discuss citizen’s trust in the Judiciary, access to Justice and judicial autonomy.

RSVP to Pamella Vutula on 021 202 4071 or at

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Flippie Groenewoud Building 202 - University of the Free State Bloemfotein


  • Cagney Musi
    • Matthias Krönke
      • Chris Oxtoby

        Nancy Msibi

        Nancy Msibi

        Project Manager +27 (11) 214 2900-110

        Asset Publisher

        Asset Publisher