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Breakfast Discussion on "State Capture"

Betrayal of the Promise: How South Africa has been stolen

This Breakfast Presentation and Discussion with investigative journalist Vicky Jane Robinson, supported by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, will inform participants about the extend of State Capture in South Africa.

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Deutsche Internationale Schule Kapstadt, Van Holten Halle, 28 Bay View Ave, Tamboerskloof, Cape Town


  • Vicky Jane Robinson
    • Investigative Journalist


      Südafrika heute: Von gebrochenen Versprechungen und veruntreuten Geldern: VORTRAG VON ENTHÜLLUNGSJOURNALISTIN VICKY JANE ROBINSON AN DER DEUTSCHEN SCHULE KAPSTADT (DSK)
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      Christina Teichmann

      Gruppenfoto Silke Wert, Vicky Jane Robinson, Christina Teichmann, Alexander Kirmse
      Frau Teichmann bei Begrüßung
      Gastrednerin Vicky Jane Robinson
      05.12.2017_DSK Breakfast Discussion

      Asset Publisher

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