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Ubuntu Business Lunch with FW de Klerk

During this lunch meeting, former president FW de Klerk will share his personal insights and views on South Africa's democratic journey and the political, economic as well as social challenges ahead with the audience.

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Tsogo Sun Garden Court, Walmer Estate, Cape Town


  • FW de Klerk
    • former President of South Africa and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate

      Christina Teichmann

      Dr. Dix, FW de Klerk and Christina Teichmann (from left) at Ubuntu Business Lunch KAS
      FW de Klerk speeking at Ubuntu Business Lunch KAS
      FW de Klerk speeking at Ubuntu Business Lunch KAS
      Participants directing questions at FW de Klerk KAS
      Participants directing questions at FW de Klerk KAS

      Asset Publisher

      Asset Publisher


      SA Ubuntu Foundation