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Political Parties in South Africa: Do they Underpin or Undermine Democracy?

Authors Workshop

This workshop will bring together the authors of the planned KAS publication "Political Parties in South Africa: Do they Underpin or Undermine Democracy?". The book will assess the wider consequences of SAs party system on the country’s democracy.


Annual SAIIA-KAS Careers Evening

Unlimited Paths with your Humanities Degree

The annual SAIIA-KAS careers evening informs learners and students what career opportunities a degree in the Humanities can open up. Students have the opportunity to meet potential employers and receive information about internships and scholarships.


Discourse Café with Nicky Newton-King

This discussion series provides young South Africans with the unique opportunity to meet renowned personalities from politics, academia, business and civil society and engage with them on topical issues concerning South Africa's young democracy.


Jährlicher SAIIA-KAS Karriereabend

Aussichten eines gesellschaftswissenschaftlichen Studiums

Der jährliche SAIIA-KAS Karriereabend zeigt Studenten der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften, welche Möglichkeiten ihnen mit ihrem Abschluss offen stehen – von Auslandsaufenthalten über Praktika bis hin zu Stipendien.


Project "White Rose Art and Writing Project"

Exhibition and Award Evening

This evening awards the high school students and teachers who have contributed to the White Rose Art & Writing Project, which aims to create awareness of the power of art in fighting injustice. The title alludes to the White Rose Resistance Movement.


The SA Electoral System: Time to Revisit the Van Zyl Slabbert Report?

Justice Johann Kriegler and Ms Raenette Taljaard on Good Governance

In the framework of the discussion series "The Constitution and Good Public Leadership", this event will deal with the right to vote and the proposals for reform made by the Frederik Van Zyl Slabbert Commission.

Book presentation

Engaging with Social Rights

Procedure, Participation and Democracy in South Africa’s Second Wave

The book contributes to the evolving scholarship on socio-economic rights adjudication with a deep focus on the jurisprudence and approach of the South African Constitutional Court. RSVP: By Thursday, 4/08/2016 to Naomi Hove


2015 Transformation Audit Report Roundtable

Rethinking social dialogue on Inclusive Development

The transformation audit report deals with the question how the National Minimum Wage will affect South Africans in the midst of an ailing economy coupled with high unemployment. RSVP to Ayonda Nyoka at until 22 July 2016.


Annual FVZS Honorary Lecture with Dr Adrian Enthoven

Dr Adrian Enthoven is CEO of the consulting firm Yellowwoods and participated in the Dakar Talks along with Dr Frederik van Zyl Slabbert. Dr Enthoven will talk about the current state of democracy in South Africa and the role of citizens.


fully booked

Governance and Growth in Africa after the Commodities Boom

Cadenabbia-Dialogue 2016

This High-Level Roundtable in cooperation with The Brenthurst Foundation will engage in a critical interrogation of the African Rising narrative and identify key areas of attention for policy makers.

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KAS/Dambisa Dube

EDP X Change 2024 - Catalysing Change through Partnerships

Inspire. Empower. Collaborate.

EDP X-Change 2024 was a one-day event designed to foster a dynamic cross-sectoral exchange to address South Africa’s pressing challenges, including the energy crisis, safety concerns, and political coalitions.

KAS/Focus Media 24

KAS x SAIIA Careers Event 2024

Formative Futures

Careers Event Inspires Humanities Graduates

KAS/Christoph Wiedenroth

Post-Elections Dialogue-Reflections on the 2024 General Election

The Youth’s Perspective

On 11 June CANRAD in cooperation with KAS hosted a post-elections dialogue Reflections on the 2024 General Elections: The Youth’s Perspective which was attended by over 100 delegates. The delegates were students and the staff of Nelson Mandela University and high school learners from Kwesi Lomso in Zwide and Masiphathisane High School in Motherwell.

International Day of Parliament

OUTA Webinar Recap

In a recent webinar titled "Enhancing Parliamentary Oversight and Accountability in South Africa," hosted in July 2024, key stakeholders discussed critical issues facing the country's legislative process.

Nancy Msibi

South African Council of Churches Voting Workshops


Konrad Adenauer Stiftung supported voter education dialogues in diverse townships in Katlehong, Vosloorus, Thokoza, Tembisa, Orlando West, Zandspruit, Diepsloot, Clayville, Dobsonville, and Molapo between February and March.

FW De Klerk Foundation

FW de Klerk Annual Conference 2024: Follow up report

Author: David Vorbau

The FW de Klerk Foundation Annual Conference 2024, held in collaboration between the FW de Klerk Foundation and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation South Africa, took place on February 2nd in Cape Town.


Has the ANC lost touch with South Africans: Summary

Author: David Vorbau

In a lively discussion on Wednesday, January 31, moderated by Rebecca Davis (Daily Maverick), Moeletsi Mbeki and Professor Nicola de Jager delved into the current state of the ANC and its historical mission

Civil Society Network Convergence For South Africa forms new network

Civil society network Convergence4SA (C4SA) held a one-day strategy session on Wednesday 6 December 2023.

Masterclass in Coalition Governance Leadership

A two-day masterclass on coalition government was held in Cape Town on November 7-8, hosted by the CiviNovus group and supported by KAS SA. This event was a follow-up and an opportunity to discuss the democratic future of our country with South Africa's distinguished politicians, academics and thought leaders.

National consultation of church leaders

Promoting ethical leadership qualities - Elections 2024

Strengthening participatory democracy, transparency, accountability and good governance.