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The United Nations’ Climate Change Conference (UNFCCC), Conference of Parties (COP28) is scheduled to take place in the United Arab Emirates, Dubai from 30th November to 12th December, 2023. It’s major goal is to critically reassess the real implementation of 2015 Paris Climate Agreement as the COP 26 Glasgow Climate Pact and COP 27 Shamel Sheikh’s Implementation Plan. The main COP 28 Agenda will be: Loss and Damage, Climate Finance and Just Energy Transition Partnerships (JETP). Climate Science shows that the Current Emissions and Global Warming Projections are reaching catastrophic proportions and levels particularly in Greenhouse gasses emissions whereby last year 2022 the warning levels reached 1.15oC. Undoubtedly, these facts pose untold and unprecedented critical quantitative and qualitative humano – economic, existential, health, educational, social, nutritional, political, infrastructural dilemmas, challenge, risks and vulnerabilities both to people, planet and biodiversity to thousands of years to come. Hence, threatening common wellbeing, peace and security of humanity the planet locally and globally than ever before. It is an undeniable fact that Africa (including) Tanzania is the most affected continent. In response to this the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS) in Tanzania collaboration with the Kilimanjaro Consortium for Development and Environment (KCDE) based in Kilimanjaro, deemed it relevant and critical to engage Pre-COP 28 Stakeholders, academia, policy makers and climate experts for round table discussions and consultations as effective spaces and opportunity for collective awareness, accountability and action. More urgent and critical, in order to adequately achieve the Goals of the 2015, Paris Climate edifice, the following fundamental pillars and regimes in particular, need urgent evaluative focus and prioritization in particular: (A) Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC’s) general and specific status in Tanzania. (B) Tanzania recent Nationally Contributions in particular: a critical post- mortem and deep analysis on: - Adaptation Contributions - Mitigation Contributions (C) Tanzania’s Critical Gap’s Weaknesses and Discrepancies: Calibrating: - Ambition gaps - Budgetary gaps - Policy gaps - Managerial/Leadership gaps - Organizational and Planning gaps - Technical resilience and expertise gaps - Human Resource mobilization gaps - Non-human resource mobilization gaps (D) The Critical role of Cities and Urban Contents in Climate Change Mitigation.


Scholar’s networking breakfast meeting.

Building bridges between Scholars


Tanzania Agency in the international System

On 24 November 2022, the Chatham House Africa Program, in partnership with KAS, convened a public webinar event on Tanzanian foreign policy.

The Webinar explored Tanzania’s international partnerships and external engagements in a context of global geopolitical change marked by war in Ukraine, climate change and the recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. It also marked the first in a series in partnership with KAS on Tanzania’s Foreign Policy Agenda: Economic Diplomacy and International Agency.


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Youth Workshop on Peace Making and Conflict Resolution.

A series of presentations along with in-depth discussion, questions and answers sessions on peace and conflict resolution.

Three-day workshop which exposed youth in-depth discussion on peace building and conflict resolution. Youth were empowered to understand how to keep peace and resolve conflicts from personal, group, community to state level.


EU-Project Launch "Together for peace"

KAS Tanzania in partnership with ZAFELA is implementing an EU funded project, contributing to conflict resolution and a peaceful political environment in Zanzibar

“Together For Peace” will focus on capacity building, strengthening dialogues between targeted members of political parties, religious leaders and CSOs as well as engaging in an exchange of opinions towards resolving any political conflicts spearheading peace building in Zanzibar.



KAS in collaboration with Civic Education Teachers Association (CETA) convened a Youth Workshop on Peace Making and Conflict Resolution in Bukoba .

Peace and conflict are interesting and cross-cutting topics of discussion, they are pervasive and they affect different aspects of human life, be it political, economic, social or cultural aspect. Young people are among the major category of human population who are affected positively or negatively by pervasiveness of peace and conflicts respectively. In many parts of the World, particularly in Great Lakes Region of Africa which includes; Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Democratic Republic of Congo, Republic of Congo, Burundi, Rwanda, and South Sudan.


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Youth Workshop on Peace Keeping, Conflict Prevention, and Resolution

Civic education as a tool for promoting peace and security

Expert conference

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Demography and Urbanisation as 21st Century Challenge for Politicians

1st Network Meeting for KAS Partners from East Africa

Population increase in East Africa will have disrupting impact on socio-economic development and requires policy adjustments. Unfortunately, within many countries debate on issues of urbanisation and demographics is rare. Hence, this conference aims to bring together researchers to debate and connect on emerging challenges.


Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation Open Day 2021

„Politics and trust“

The work of the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation: focusing on participation, representation, security, and innovation.


Radio Sessions on Reducing and Preventing Corruptive Behaviour

Empowering local communities for more accountability and better fight against corruption through Radio Talk Shows

Three radio talk shows will be held in the Ruvuma region organized by KAS and Mtandao wa Utawala Bora. The Radio programs will address three different issues on Curruption. Members of the community will be able to address their questions to Government Officials and PCCB officials over the radio. The aim is to strengthen the public awareness on their interests and to create the culture of communication between different groups.

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Konflikte: Identifikation, Prävention und Bewältigung

Interreligiöser Dialog auf Sansibar

In den vergangenen Monaten führten Anschläge auf christliche und muslimische Repräsentanten und Einrichtungen sowie gewaltsame Auseinandersetzungen zwischen Muslimen und Christen über das Recht des Schlachtens immer wieder zu Verletzten und Todesopfern, sowohl auf dem tansanischen Festland als auch auf der vorgelagerten Insel Sansibar. Dies nahm die KAS zum Anlass, dort zu einem interreligiösen Dialog einzuladen. Die Veranstaltung fand in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Joint Committee of Religious Leaders for Peace and Tranquillity Zanzibar (JCRLPTZ) und dem Zanzibar Interfaith Center (ZanZic) statt.

First Draft of the New Constitution

Roundtable Discussion with CSOs

On June 3rd, 2013 the Constitutional Review Commission (CRC), also known as the Warioba Commission, issued to the public the draft of the new Constitution, inviting more inputs to the documents, which is going to make sweeping changes in the country’s socio-economic and political landscape. Responding to the invitation, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS), Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES) and Jukwaa la Katiba Tanzania jointly organized a one-day expert roundtable discussion on the First Draft of the New Tanzanian Constitution.

Peace and Tolerance in Tanzania

JUWAQUTA Event in Coast Region

On 15th of June, members and leaders of JUWAQUTA convened for a workshop in Ikwiriri in Tanzania's southern Coast Region to get informed about religious tolerance and peace. Richard Shaba, Programme Coordinator of KAS Tanzania travelled to the Region to help facilitating the training.

CHADEMA Zonal Training for Trainers

Capacity Building for local representatives of the opposition party

Following the CHADEMA Training of Trainers in Morogoro in April 2013, further education programs within the party took place from 8th – 12th May 2013 in Mwanza, Arusha, Mbeya and Shinyanga. Local representatives were empowered to spread the party program in their respective administrative areas and gain new followers for the main opposition party in Tanzania. Until the upcoming local and national elections in 2014 and 2015 CHADEMA and their program are to be known around the country and in all electoral districts politicians can set up for election.

CHADEMA Training for Trainers

Bericht über die Fortbildung von CHADEMA Multiplikator_innen

Spannende Zeiten stehen der Oppositionspartei CHADEMA in Tansania bevor. In den Jahren 2014 und 2015 stehen Kommunal- und Präsidentschaftswahlen an. Das oberste Ziel von CHADEMA ist es, diese zu gewinnen. Um das zu erreichen, soll eine neue Strategie die Oppositionspartei und ihr Programm weitflächig verbreiten. Der Startschuss für das Vorhaben war eine mehrtägige Ausbildung von TrainerInnen, die dazu befähigt wurden, auf Distriktebene weitere parteiinterne Schulungen selbst durchzuführen. Für das Training trafen sich ausgewählte CHADEMA VertreterInnen vom 16. bis 20. April 2013 in Morogoro.

Role and Responsibility of Christian Women

WAWATA Leadership Training

On two weekends in May (18th+19th and 25th+26th May 2013), Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) Tanzania, organized training workshops for Catholic women of the nationwide Catholic institution WAWATA. Through the education and training of female executives, KAS not only strengthens the role of women within the Christian community, but also contributes to the inter-religious dialogue in Tanzania through the creation of stable religious communities.

Das Recht des Schlachtens in Tansania – ein interreligiöser Konflikt mit verheerenden Folgen

Bericht über das Treffen religiöser Führer zur Schlachtfrage

Am zweiten Februar diesen Jahres wurde Pastor Mathayo Kachila von radikalen Muslimen der Kopf abgeschlagen, als er sich dafür einsetzte, dass Christen in der Geita-Region im Norden Tansanias dieselben Schlachtrechte zuteil werden sollten wie den Muslimen. Dieser Vorfall führte zu landesweiten Unruhen und Protesten. KAS Tansania und IRCPT versammelten Vertreter beider Glaubensgemeinschaften, um über eine Regelung des Problems zu sprechen.

Good Governance and Sustainable Use of Natural Resources

Symposium mit Schülern, Studenten, Lehrern und Universitätsdozenten am Stella Maris Mtwara University College

Im Zusammenhang mit dem geplanten Bau einer Gaspipeline entzündeten sich am 27. Januar 2013 gewaltsame Proteste im südtansanischen Mtwara, bei denen infolge des Polizeieinsatzes 4 Menschen getötet und 25 weitere verletzt wurden. Das KAS-Auslandsbüro für Tansania und der Lehrerverband CETA organisierten Ende März anlässlich der anhaltenden Spannungen im Zusammenhang mit der Erschließung der Gasvorkommen in Mtwara ein Dialogforum für junge Erwachsene, um sich näher zu informieren und zusammen mit Regierungsvertretern Wege zur nachhaltigen Erschließung natürlicher Resourcen zu diskutieren.

Treffen hochrangiger Vertreter der religiösen Gemeinschaften Tansanias zu Friedensbildung und religiöser Toleranz

Zweite Runde

Am 20. und 21. Februar kamen erneut Spitzenvertreter der religiösen Gemeinschaften Tansanias in Dar es Salaam zu einem Dialog zum Thema Friedensbildung zusammen. Ziel war es unter anderem, eine gemeinsame Resolution zu entwerfen, die die Regierung Tansanias dazu bewegen soll, die anhaltenden religiösen Spannungen im Land ernster zu nehmen und religiösen Angelegenheiten künftig einen angemesseneren Stellenwert einzuräumen.

Peacebuilding in Tanzania

Contributions of the Quran teachers

“Peace is a blessing given by God to man. It must be maintained at any cost” - stated Sheikh Alli Muhidin Mkorogole, Deputy Kadhi of Tanzania in his key note speech during a discussion about „The role of Quran teachers for peace building in Tanzania".