There are currently no events planned.
International Youth Conference
Titled "Young People's Responsibility for Democracy and Sustainable Development" KAS sets the kick off for a multi-day workshop in cooperation with BAVICHA, the youth organization of Tanzania's opposition party CHADEMA.
Internationale Jugendkonferenz
Unter dem Titel "Verantwortung der Jugend für Demokratie und nachhaltige Entwicklung" initiiert die KAS Tansania in Kooperation mit BAVICHA, dem Jugenverband der Oppositionspatei CHADEMA einen mehrtägigen Workshop.
Konflikte: Identifikation, Prävention und Bewältigung
Interreligiöser Dialog auf Sansibar
Am 01.07. laden KAS, das Joint Committee of Religious Leaders for Peace and Tranquillity Zanzibar (JCRLPTZ) und das Zanzibar Interfaith Center (ZanZic) Repräsentanten des Parlaments von Sansibar zu einem Workshop zum Thema Konfliktsituationen ein.
Religous Peace and Tolerance
Meeting of JUWAQUTA
On the 15th of June 2013, Richard Shaba, Programme Coordinator of KAS Tanzania will travel to Kibiriti in the Southern Coastal Region to facilitate a workshop for members of JUWAQUTA, the countrywide organisation for teachers of Qu'ran schools.
Expert talk
First draft of the new Tanzanian Constitution
Roundtable discussion with experts
Beginning of June the long awaited first draft of the new Tanzanian Constitution was officially launched. KAS Tanzania together with FES and the Tanzanian Constitution Forum Jukwaa la Katiba took this opportunity to invite experts for a discussion.
Constitutional Reform Processes in Tanzania and Kenya
Opportunities and challenges of the current reform process in Tanzania with regard to the process in Kenya
The regional KAS Rule of Law Program and the Tanzanian-German Centre for Postgraduate Studies in Law (TGCL), supported by KAS Tanzania will host a conference on 24th May 2013 about the constitutional reform processes in Kenya and Tanzania.
Verfassungsreformen in Kenia und Tansania
Chancen und Herausforderungen des aktuellen Reformprozesses in Tansania mit Bezug auf den Prozess in Kenia
Am 24. Mai 2013 veranstaltet das KAS Rechtsstaatsprogramm und das tansanisch-deutsche Fachzentrum für Rechtswissenschaften (TGCL) mit Unterstützung der KAS Tansania eine Halbtagskonferenz zu den Verfassungsreformprozessen in Kenia und Tansania.
Strengthening Catholic women in leadership positions
WAWATA Leadership Training
On the 18th and 19th as well as on the 25th and 26th May 2013, KAS Tanzania and WAWATA organize training workshops for Catholic women to strengthen the Christian community, and hence further promote interreligious dialogue.