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Uganda's Economic Development: The Challenges and Opportunities of Climate Change

Reality Check 6

This 6th edition of the Reality Check analyses the link between climate change and economic development in Uganda. It explains how climate change and economic development are linked, while focusing on the challenges and opportunities arising from a more integrated approach.

Resource Wealth and Raw Materials Boom

Challenges for Governance and Development in Sub-Saharan Africa

An abundance of resources in Sub-Saharan Africa will not necessarily lead to sustainable economic growth, to the contrary: The one-sided economic focus on the extraction of natural resources has consequences for the people and the environment. What needs to be done to avoid the “resource curse”?

Interparty Youth Platform (IYOP) Communiqué

This document is the result of the First National Interparty Youth Conference held in July 2013. IYOP, in cooperation with KAS and the Democratic Governance Facility (DGF), took the occasion to bring together 100 youth leaders from the seven major political parties of Uganda as well as representatives of civil society, the National Youth Council and academia. The conference aimed at offering a forum for young leaders to discuss the development challenges Ugandan youth face and to propose solutions to these challenges. This communiqué is a collection of key demands of the youth.

Putschversuch? BĂĽrgerkrieg? Wie geht es weiter?

Gefechte im SĂĽdsudan

In der Nacht zum 16. Dezember lieferten sich in der südsudanesischen Hauptstadt Juba militärische Gruppen bewaffnete Auseinandersetzungen. Präsident Salva Kiir sprach von einem „Putschversuch“, der vereitelt werden konnte. Nach einer Ausgangssperre in der darauffolgenden Nacht schien die Lage unter Kontrolle, doch die Kämpfe flammten wieder auf. Wie bedrohlich ist die Lage? Was steckt hinter den Gefechten?

50 Jahre Unabhängigkeit

Bestandsaufnahme zum Goldenen Jubiläum Ugandas

Mit 2012 geht das „goldene Jubiläumsjahr“ zu Ende – Uganda feierte in diesem Jahr sein fünfzigjähriges Bestehen als unabhängiger Staat. Am 9. Oktober 1962 erlangte das Land seine Unabhängigkeit von Großbritannien. Es folgten Jahrzehnte der Militärdiktaturen und des Bürgerkrieges, ein Einparteiensystem und schließlich der Schritt zur Mehrparteiendemokratie. Was waren die zentralen Entwicklungen der letzten fünfzig Jahre? Was waren die Errungenschaften, was die Schwierigkeiten? Und wie stellen sich die derzeitigen Herausforderungen dar?

Oil Production in a Social Market Economy

Perspectives for Uganda

The publication is a report on the conference by the Uganda National Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Cooperation with the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung at Serena International Conference Centre, Kampala, 13 September 2012.

The Guide - Trade and Economic Development in Uganda

Special Edition on Social Market Economy and Sustainable Development

With support from the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung the African Centre for Trade and Development (ACTADE) has published a special edition of the magazine "The Guide". The magazine provides a compilation of articles from a wide range of stakeholders and experts on different aspects of economic development in Uganda. The publication was launched by the Minister of State for Economic Monitoring, Hon. Henry Banyenzaki, at a public dialogue in Kampala on 31st October 2012.

Revisiting the Media Freedom Debate at Uganda's Independence Golden Jubilee

Reality Check 5

This 5th edition of the Reality Check was commissioned by the KAS in cooperation with the Uganda Media Development Foundation (UMDF). The study, written by the outstanding media expert Dr. Michael Kakooza, makes an important contribution to the debate on freedom and independence of the media in Uganda and goes beyond the superficial discussion of current challenges in a systematic and analytical way. Rather, it places the question of media independence in a historical context and links it to the discourse on governance and power politics.

50 Years For Democracy And Freedom Worldwide

European and International Cooperation Of The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung

This year the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung celebrates its 50th anniversary of European and International Cooperation. Hence it publishes a report explaining the development from the beginning in 1962 to the present day. The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) was and still is committed to fostering democracy and the rule of law, to implementing social and market-economic structures and to promoting human rights. With its worldwide networks to the political and social elites and with its long-term partner structures, it participates in shaping policy in developing and emerging countries.

Happy(?) Birthday, SĂĽdsudan

Der jüngste Staat der Welt wird ein Jahr alt – wie kommt der Staatsaufbau voran?

Vor genau einem Jahr war es soweit – nach einem Referendum Anfang letzten Jahres wurde am 9. Juli 2011 die unabhängige Republik Südsudan euphorisch aus der Taufe gehoben: Der mehr als zwanzigjährige Bürgerkrieg war beendet, der Jubel in Juba war groß. Doch schon bald schlug die Aufbruchstimmung in Katerstimmung um: Zentrale Konfliktpunkte mit dem nördlichen Nachbarn waren ungeklärt geblieben – so etwa der genaue Grenzverlauf, die Abwicklung des Ölgeschäfts oder die Verteilung der Öleinnahmen und Auslandsschulden. Diese Fragen wirken sich bis heute destabilisierend aus.

Asset Publisher

Country Reports

Short political reports of the KAS offices abroad

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is a political foundation. Our offices abroad are in charge of over 200 projects in more than 120 countries. The country reports offer current analyses, exclusive evaluations, background information and forecasts - provided by our international staff.

Event Reports

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, its educational institutions, centres and foreign offices, offer several thousand events on various subjects each year. We provide up to date and exclusive reports on selected conferences, events and symposia at In addition to a summary of the contents, you can also find additional material such as pictures, speeches, videos or audio clips.


A Women’s Development Magazine

ARISE magazine features varying issues around women and development in Uganda. Whether women wearing uniform, working as farmers, or holding political offices: We review the trends and challenges women face in Uganda. The magazine has been published in cooperation with Action for Development since 1990.

Reality Check

The series analyses developmental challenges in the political, social and economic sphere in Uganda. The editions examine hot topics of the daily political agenda and undertake a rigorous reality check. Reality Check is published in cooperation with Centre for Development Alternatives.

Economic Policy Paper Series

We examine economic issues in Uganda through a policy lens: Which way for Uganda's economic development? Which obstacles does the country face? And how can political players set the course for economic growth? This series crafts policy papers to inform and inspire debates around economic progress in Uganda. The Economic Policy Paper Series is published in cooperation with Centre for Development Alternatives. 

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