A review of COVID-19 and the health equality dilemma in Uganda - Foundation Office Uganda and South Sudan
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A review of COVID-19 and the health equality dilemma in Uganda
Uganda’s development response over the years, where we have seen impressively high
economic growth rates that have not translated into a better life for the poorest and most
vulnerable such as women, has spilled into its COVID-19 response. This paper discusses the
ways in which approaches to development- with focus on health sector- that do not include
the poorest and most vulnerable will combine with old patriarchy and a global pandemic to
leave women worse off. It extracts lessonsfrom Uganda’s ongoing COVID-19 response and
makes recommendations on short term measures to make the response more inclusive
and cognizant of existing inequalities, and work towards resolving rather than compounding
them. It also suggests long term measures that post-pandemic, can be used to address
health inequalities.