Women and girls make up more than half of the Ugandan population estimated at 35 million. However, in spite of constituting the majority population women still face challenges regarding achieving equal participation in politics and decision making. The affirmative action policy established with the 1995 constitution recognises women as an interest group and on that basis provides for their special representation in parliament and local councils. It, nevertheless, continues to be observed that while affirmative action has been successful in increasing the number of women in leadership and high-level public service functions significant gaps still exits with regard to females being able to influence the policy and devolvement process to address their needs and interests. On this premise, the dialogue organised by Action for Development aims to provide a platform for reflecting upon affirmative action in general and, in particular, sharing women’s experiences with regard to their political participation. As the next general election anticipated for 2016 draws nearer, the dialogue will also serve as a platform for women strategists to reflect on their plan for realising meaningful female participation in and influence on the electoral process.