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Re-thinking the fundamentals cluster benchmarks for Ukraine: the case of judicial reform

Expert discussion

The expert discussion «Re-thinking the fundamentals cluster benchmarks for Ukraine: the case of judicial reform», which will be held on May 24 at 10 am in Kyiv. The event is organized by the Ukrainian Centre for European Policy in partnership with the Centre of Policy and Legal Reforms, supported by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Ukraine.

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Against the backdrop of the preparation for opening accession talks between the EU and Ukraine, the event is considered to trigger the discussion among the key Ukrainian and European stakeholders about re-considering the approach to setting the benchmarks for Ukraine in the Fundamentals cluster. The agenda will be focused on the key lessons of the Western Balkans countries in achieving benchmarks in the Fundamentals cluster and preliminary conclusions of joint research of Ukrainian CSOs regarding the optimal set of benchmarks for Ukraine given its specific context and realistic pathway of the relevant reforms.

The Ukrainian experts will present research on the revised approach to formulating benchmarks in the Fundamentals cluster on the example of judicial reform. The proposed approach may be applied to other reforms envisaged in the Fundamentals cluster, namely, public administration reform, anti-corruption reform, and reform of law enforcement bodies.

The event will start on May 24 at 10 am at the following address: 22 Yaroslaviv Val St., Kyiv (Radisson Blu Hotel). There will be no online broadcast.

Please register here, the event languages are Ukrainian and English (simultaneous translation provided).


09:30 — 10:00 Registration and Coffee break

10:00 — 10:05 Welcome speech

Tomas Birringer,
Head of Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Ukraine

10:05 — 11:05 Presentation of research results

Roman Smalyuk, researcher at the Center of Policy and Legal Reform
Nestor Barchuk, manager of international relations of the DEJURE Foundation
Polina Li, Advisor to the Deputy Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic
Integration of Ukraine
Lyudmila Sugak, Deputy Minister of Justice for European Integration
Moderator: Liubov Akulenko, Executive Director of the Ukrainian Center for European Policy

11:05 — 11:40 Discussions with representatives of judicial authorities

Roman Maselko, members of the High Council of Justice
Ruslan Sydorovych, Deputy Chairman of the High Qualification Commission of Judges
Moderator: Victoria Melnyk, coordinator of the European integration direction of the "Center for Political and Legal Reforms"

11:40 — 12:00 Questions and comments

Moderator: Victoria Melnyk, coordinator of the European integration direction of the "Center for Political and Legal Reforms"


Photos will be taken at the event. By registration participants agree that the Ukrainian European Policy Center will use photographic materials made before, during or after the event.

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Yaroslaviv Val Str, 22, Kyiv (Radisson Blu Hotel)


  • Thomas Birringer
    • Lyubov Akulenko
      • Roman Smaliuk
        • Nestor Barchuk
          • Polina Li
            • Lyudmila Sugak
              • Victoria Melnyk
                • Roman Maselko
                  • Ruslan Sydorovych


                    How to Upgrade EU Benchmarking in Fundamentals: The Case of Judicial Reform in Ukraine: Analitical paper
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                    Thomas Birringer

                    Thomas Birringer

                    Head of the Ukraine office

           +380 44 4927443

                    Kateryna Bilotserkovets

                    Kateryna Bilotserkovets bild

                    Project Coordinator

           +380 44 4927443
                    Single title
                    March 5, 2024
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                    Український центр європейської політики (УЦЄП)