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Rebuild Beirut: How to fight against corruption on repair works?

!Application form to be filled!

The Robert Schuman Institute (RSI) carries out a digital training in collaboration with the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Beirut Office.

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The main goal of the seminar is to increase the level of knowledge about ways to exercise civic control and to fight corruption on Beirut repair works with the example of Map of Repairs in Ukraine. The trainers are coming from Ukraine from the Anti-Corruption Headquarters organisation, which aims to identify corruption schemes, embezzlements of budget funds and community resources, and other corrupt violations of those in power in order to hold them accountable. 


13 and 16 October

3 times 60 minutes sessions (1 introductory course on the first day then 2 workshops on the second day)

Between the sessions participants will receive a homework task. This will consist of developing a concept of a similar tool or mechanism of monitoring of repairs in Beirut. The participants will have to prepare a presentation and describe the approach of fighting corruption on repairs. The presentation will be followed by feedback from the trainer and peers.

The sessions will be organised by using the Zoom app online from your home. The training will be provided for up to 20 young politicians in EPP sister parties and NGO representatives in Lebanon.

The REGISTRATION  DEADLINE is 12 October (Monday 12:00h) 2020

!Full attendance is necessary!

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the responsible project manager, Bence Labossa at

Please fill in the application form on the following link.

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Dania Ismaiel

Dania Ismaiel

Coordinateur de projet +961 (0)1 388 095/6

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Foundation Office Lebanon