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Strengthening and promoting the electoral awareness among Lebanese youth

Together, to increase youth participation in the elections

Agrégateur de contenus



Strengthening and promoting the electoral awareness among Lebanese youth

Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) in collaboration with Advanced Democracy for Sustainable Peace (AD 4 Peace) are organizing a workshop series with secondary and university students and with youth in marginalized and remote areas, to enhance their sense of responsibility and commitment, and their respect for their rights and roles. The workshops will be on electoral systems, electoral laws and the importance of youth participation in the elections.


Three online workshops:


-    Workshop 1, November 14th, 2020: Sagesse University

-    Workshop 2, November 16th, 2020: Lebanese University

-    Workshop3, November 17th, 2020: USEK University


For more information, kindly contact us via email on: and

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Dania Ismaiel

Dania Ismaiel

Coordinateur de projet +961 (0)1 388 095/6

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Foundation Office Lebanon