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Why do we follow Leaders?

Free online interactive session by I Have Learned Academy in collaboration with KAS

Innovation & Think Tank Sessions for a better Lebanon - Part II

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Innovation & Think Tank Sessions for a better Lebanon - Part II

In Lebanon, we have a history of following political leaders or "al za3im" or political parties without really understanding or knowing what is behind this decision or judgement.

We will discuss in this session the topic of "following leaders" from a psychological perspective with the expert in Neuroscience and Psychology Dr Albert Moukheiber.
We will talk about:
- Why do we follow leaders?
- What is stopping change?
- What are the obstacles for change in societies
- How can Psychology help us in making a change
We will discuss also how we make a decision in following a leader as we are not as gullible as we think, many factors impact how we take decisions, some are individual factors but others are systemic:
- it has nothing to do with intelligence but about who you trust.
We will expand on the concepts on:
- learned helplessness.
- cognitive dissonance.
- importance of the system.
This session is part of the Free Online Series Program done by I Have Learned Academy in collaboration with KAS - Konrad Adenauer Stiftung: "Innovation & Think Tank Sessions for a better Lebanon"

Booking ahead is a must, places are limited:


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Dania Ismaiel

Dania Ismaiel

Coordinateur de projet +961 (0)1 388 095/6

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Foundation Office Lebanon