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Workshop for the Lebanese Army - CIMIC

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Beirut and SMART Center, in close cooperation with and on the request of CIMIC, organized a 5-day workshop aiming at empowering army members by practicing non-violent communication techniques for effective conflict prevention and conflict resolution and at promoting civil-military cooperation within the Lebanese army.

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On the 5th of December, the first session of a five-day workshop-series for 27 members of the Lebanese Army - الجيش اللبناني Civil-military cooperation (CIMIC) and from other army departments took place at the CIMIC center in Fayyadieh. The training was opened by Brig. General Elie Abi Rached from CIMIC, the Resident Representative of KAS Lebanon, Dr. Malte Gaier and the director of SMART Center, Mrs. Randa Yassir.
The workshop is organized by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Beirut and SMART, in close cooperation with and on the request of CIMIC, and aims at empowering army members by practicing non-violent communication techniques for effective conflict prevention and conflict resolution and at promoting civil-military cooperation within the Lebanese army. The first  session focused on Project Planning and Field Operations and in the following days the participants were also trained on communication, messaging and media outreach, conflict resolution and mediation skills as well as negotiation and argumentation skills.
The objective of the workshops is to improve the competences of the army members to network between the different army departments as well as the relationship between the military and civilians by preventing and deescalating conflicts with the skills learned at the training.

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Welcome speech by the organizators
Workshop participants

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Auslandsbüro Libanon