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Delegation of female political activists from Lebanon visits Germany

From 6th to 10th of March, a Lebanese study group visited Berlin and Sachsen. The group consisting of female political activists had the chance to gain an insight to the German approach on fostering gender equality. The idea is that the women can serve as multipliers and carry their experiences back to their own Lebanese surroundings and start a reform process within their political parties.

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Although women do take an active role in Lebanon’s social and economic live, in politics they are traditionally marginalized and excluded from the parties’ decision-making processes. They lack representation – in political positions as well as among the constituency. This is even more a fall back since in 1952 Lebanon - only shortly after Greece and 19 years ahead of Switzerland - was among the first countries in the Middle East to establish women’s suffrage .

The program therefore aims to offer a platform for dialogue and networking for female activists from a broad political spectrum. In Lebanon this approach is especially difficult due to the crisis in Syria and rising confessional segregation. Yet, especially in this situation it is most important to foster female activists in order to gain new approaches to current issues and different methods of conflict solution.

From the German side Dr. Tobias Rüttershoff was in charge of the organization of the journey.

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