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Présentations & compte-rendus

National Human Security Forum

The Role of Military and Security Institutions in Ensuring Respect for Human Rights and for the International Humanitarian Law During Times of Crisis

Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS) and the National Human Security Forum (NHSF), organized, in collaboration with the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) - Directorate of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights, a hybrid roundtable discussion, held both in-person and via Zoom, addressing “the role of military and security institutions in ensuring respect for human rights and for the international humanitarian law during times of crisis.”

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Massive protest movements have flooded the streets of the many cities in Lebanon since 2019 as a direct consequence of a growing economic and political collapses.  LAF and security agencies have attempted to protect the protesters as well as public and private property.  Most encounters between LAF/Security Forces and protesters were peaceful, but others let to confrontations and arrests.  Civil society organizations were mostly concerned about the rights of protesters for peaceful assembly and expression and were engaged in defending most of those arrested. Hence emerged the need to examine and discuss ways and means where LAF/Security Forces can perform their roles without infringing on civilian rights to public protest.  These issues became increasingly urgent to address during economic turbulent environment, where the human and civil rights may be undermined. Because human rights are among key pillars of human security and because civil-military cooperation can prove critical to protect the role of the state security apparatus and those of peaceful protest, it becomes urgent to bring together key stakeholders to explore ways where civil rights can be secured.

Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS) and the National Human Security Forum (NHSF), organized, in collaboration with the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) - Directorate of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights, a hybrid roundtable discussion, held both in-person and via Zoom, addressing “the role of military and security institutions in ensuring respect for human rights and for the international humanitarian law during times of crisis.”

The event, which took place at the Lancaster Plaza Hotel in Beirut on 18.11.2021, was attended by representatives of United Nations organizations, Lebanese Armed Forces and Internal Security Forces (ISF) officers, members of the UNIFIL, as well as specialists in the field of human rights and international law. The discussion was moderated by Dr. Elie Mikhael.

Dr. Maria Njaim commenced the discussion with an opening speech followed by the intervention of Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Resident Representative to Lebanon Michael Bauer and NHSF Director and human security expert Dr. Imad Salamey.

The three interventions were done by Colonel Ziad Rizkallah- Directorate of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights, Ms. Rouaida El Hage - Regional Director, OHCHR and Ms. Suzanne Jabbour - Director of Restart Center.

The interventions were followed by a roundtable discussion joining all participants.


Based on this forum’s presentations discussion a Recommendation Paper was formulated.

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Dania Ismaiel

Dania Ismaiel

Coordinateur de projet +961 (0)1 388 095/6


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