

Defense Ministers’ Forum Indo-Pacific: Japan and Germany's Engagement in the Region

(German-Japanese) Virtual Discussion with Minister of Defense Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer and Minister of Defense Nobuo Kishi

(This is a German-Japanese session) Strengthening defense cooperation between Germany and the countries in the Asia Pacific region has been one of the priorities on the agenda of the German Minister of Defense, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer. Japan, as a steadfast value partner to Germany, has been advocating a free and open Indo-Pacific for over a decade and regularly emphasizes the multilateral protection of a ruled-based order with partners and like-minded nations. Both, Germany’s Indo-Pacific Guidelines and Japan’s concept of a Free and Open Indo-Pacific (FOIP) recognise the importance of international law and norms to prevent instability, conflict or a disruption in the maritime domain of the Indo-Pacific region. The policy guidelines address the existential security concerns of Germany’s long-standing partners. Germany pledges to contribute diplomatic responses and offers tangible contributions to its partners in the region. What are the goals of the recently published Indo-Pacific guidelines of the German federal government and how could an implementation look like in the range of security and defense policy? Moreover, what could be possible joint responses to threats to the ruled-based order in the region imposed by third parties? What role does Japan expect Germany to play in the region?




Defense Ministers' Forum December 15 , 2020

(This is a German-Japanese session)

Strengthening defense cooperation between Germany and the countries in the Asia Pacific region has been one of the priorities on the agenda of the German Minister of Defense, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer. Japan, as a steadfast value partner to Germany, has been advocating a free and open Indo-Pacific for over a decade and regularly emphasizes the multilateral protection of a ruled-based order with partners and like-minded nations.

Both, Germany’s Indo-Pacific Guidelines and Japan’s concept of a Free and Open Indo-Pacific (FOIP) recognise the importance of international law and norms to prevent instability, conflict or a disruption in the maritime domain of the Indo-Pacific region. The policy guidelines address the existential security concerns of Germany’s long-standing partners. Germany pledges to contribute diplomatic responses and offers tangible contributions to its partners in the region.

What are the goals of the recently published Indo-Pacific guidelines of the German federal government and how could an implementation look like in the range of security and defense policy?  Moreover, what could be possible joint responses to threats to the ruled-based order in the region imposed by third parties? What role does Japan expect Germany to play in the region?

On December 15, The German Defense Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer will engage in a public virtual exchange with Japan’s Minister for Defense, Hon. Nobuo Kishi, to openly discuss the challenges and opportunities for the security cooperation between both countries in the Indo-Pacific region.

If you’re interested in receiving a Japanese translation of the Indo-Pacific Guidelines, please contact us.


1. Date & Time:      

Tuesday, December 15, 2020  17:00 ~18:00

2. Speakers:  

Hon. Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, Minister of Defense, Germany

​​​​​​​Hon. Nobuo Kishi, Minister of Defense, Japan

3. Moderator:  

Rabea Brauer, Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation Japan Office

Tomonori Yoshizaki, National Institute for Defense Studies

4. Language:  

German - Japanese (Simultaneous translation)

5. Platform:



For further information and registration, please click here!






Defense Ministers’ Forum Indo-Pacific: Japan and Germany's Engagement in the Region: Virtual Discussion with Minister of Defense Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer and Minister of Defense Nobuo Kishi

瀧口 直輝

Naoki Takiguchi


naoki.takiguchi@kas.de +81 3 6426 5061


