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Report of the Panel discussion on Trade and Politics in SADC: Which way forward?

Professor Du Pisani and Trudi Harzenberg talked widely on various issues of regional importance.

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Prof. Du Pisani focused more on peace and security issues in the region. He addressed the complexities surrounding the situation in the east of the DRC, Madagascar, the recent elections in Zimbabwe, and also talked on main issues surrounding the recent meeting of the SADC Organ on Politics, defence and Security Cooperation. He emphasized the fact that the region faced significant amount of challenges on issues of peace and security. The need to address those challenges is of paramount importance to the region to ensure smooth implementation of regional goals and policies, he concluded.

Trudi Harzenberg, discussed the recent SADC Summit in Malawi and its decision concerning the SADC Tribunal and its future. The future of the regional court and implications to the wider region on issues of human rights and security were highlighted. Harzenberg further looked at the mid-term review of the RISDP, Non-Tariff barriers, Rules of Origin and many other issues concerning regional integration such as Tripartite free trade Agreement (T-FTA). Harzenberg concluded that challenges facing the region are serious and ongoing. A critical review of regional goals, policies and priorities is urgently needed to realign them with the evolving regional socio-economic and political challenges.

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კონრად ადენაუერის ფონს აქვს თავისი ბიურო და წარმომადგენლობა ხუთი კონტინენტის 70 ქვეყანაში. ადგილობრივი თანამშრომლები მოგაწვდითინფორმაციას აქტუალურ მოვლებეზე და თქვენთვის სასურველ ქვეყანაზე.E"ქვეყნების შესახებ ინფორმაციის მისაღებად" მოსარგებლეს გთავაზობთ კონრად ადენაუერის ფონდის ვებ გვერდზე ექსკლუზიურ ანალიზს, შემდგომი გეგმების შესახებ ინფორმაციებს და შეფასებებს.



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